🍋⛓️Always Welcome⛓️🍋 »Various«

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Somnophilia (fucked awake)
Hair tugging
Daddy Kink(Hisoka and Chrollo)
Odaxelagnia (biting)
Bondage Ft. ✨Bungee Gum✨
Praise kink

Request via Wattpad


Word Count: 8256😃
(and this is not entirely edited)


The Phantom Troupe had grown well accustomed to the provocative acts of Y/n L/n, made well aware that she loved to tease and flirt with almost anyone in the troupe; of course, with the obvious exception of the children, whom she just teased for being short (although Feitan was also frequently included).

And while Y/n more so enjoyed the playfulness that came from her actions, she recently became aware that her actions were no longer lead by her boredom, but rather... something a little more grown-up.


Shalnark sat by himself in the common area of the troupe's current base (Chrollo had had the troupe take refuge in a recently closed dormitory), the other troupe members working on personal affairs that were close by. The boss having called them all for a mission that concerned all of the members.

A quiet and excited "Yes!" left his lips as he successfully completed the level of a game that took way longer than he had previously expected, unaware of the female stalking her way towards him.

Y/n peaked over his shoulder at the game he was playing before grinning at a sudden idea. "Hey Shal~, how about we play a different kind of game?" she asked, leaning closer.

Shalnark looked up at the female with intrige. "Huh? What kind of game do you have in mind?" he asked back, big blue eyes staring at her.

Y/n chuckled, delicately resting her hand on his shoulder as she breathed her thoughts into his ear. "I was thinking something a bit more... physical, y'know?"

Shalnark raised his eyebrow at her. "I don't know... I kinda wanted to finish this game while the sequel is still on sale. Maybe next time, Y/n." he gave her an apologetic look before going back to his game.

"Yeah, right... okay." the h/c girl sighed.


"Boooooosssssssssssss~!" Y/n sung out, approaching her leader who sat studying his "Bandit's Secret" in the main room.

Chrollo let out an exhale, already exhausted from just a single word uttered by her lips. "Yes, Y/n?" he asked, looking up from his Nen ability.

Y/n took notice of the book in his hands. "You always seem to have your nose in a book. Why not do something more interesting?" she suggested, eyes twinkling.

Chrollo gently rested his book on his lap, already having a faint idea as to where this was going. "like what, Y/n?"

Y/n smiled innocently, before bowing and looking up at him with her arms stretched behind her back. "Why don't you tell me, Daddy?" she internally snickered as she watched his expression fall.

"No." he said without a moments hesitation.

Y/n stood, back straight and attempted to play the role of a spoiled brat. "But Daddy—!" she whinned, Chrollo quickly cutting her off.

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