Chapter 12: The Promise

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While Emily laid on the floor, and me on my bed, we talked about life. All lights were off and the only source of light that came in was from the moonlight creeping in through the window. I faced her and she looked up at the wall, telling me about The Harmons and what had happened.

"After the game, my life changed forever," Emily continued. "and when I thought I had my family back, it didn't stay the way I thought it would. Things were different."

I hesitated before asking what she probably knew what was coming. Where were Caleb and all friends she told me about? I finally mustered the courage to ask. "What happened to your brother?"

She was quiet for a while before speaking. "I don't know. One day when I thought everything was okay, he just vanished. Him, my friends, Jasper, Helena. They all left me."

"They just left?"

"I'm tired." She simply replied.

"What?" I asked, confused and upset she didn't answer me.

"I just want to sleep for now," she sat up and looked over my way. "If I shower, can I sleep on your bed? It's been a while since I have...slept in a bed." She sounded nervous to ask.

I agreed, gave her some extra clothes that fit her okay, and let her use my shower. I probably shouldn't have, but what else was I supposed to do. when she came out of the bathroom, dressed and what not, she crawled in the bed next to me. It wasn't the biggest, so we laid really close to one another, both laying the opposite ways. I must have been tired because before I knew it, I drifted into a dream.

I had a dream that Mr. Harmon came into my room and watched me as I slept. I could see him as clear as day, smiling at me. Just me, not Emily. Emily wasn't in the dream. It was creepy. Mr. Harmon slowly turned into my mom and now my mom was looking at me.

I woke up in a panicked state of fear and turned over. To my biggest fear, just like my dream, Emily was not there. I sat up so fast, looking around my room in the darkness. I scrambled to my feet to turn on the light. "Emily?" I called out and began searching the room and bathroom for her. Her old clothes were still here and her side of the bed didn't look out of the ordinary.

"Shit," I whispered. "Shit. Shit! What is going on."

No wonder she went insane. This stuff was crazy to me, and I had no one to go to. I sat on the bed and texted Gave. It was the am, so I didn't expect a reply.  I didn't get one either. After a few minutes of feeling helpless and not knowing what to do, I laid down. I had class tomorrow and didn't study, do any homework, or project. I tried my best to sleep, but I spent the night tossing and turning.


The next day in class, I prayed that I didn't see Mickiyah. I felt awkward and not in a comfortable situation. "Tori," the teacher looked at me from his desk. "are you okay?"

The people walking in looked at me before finding a seat. I wasn't usually the one to show up in sweats and a oversized hoodie but here I was. I knew I looked rough. I felt rough.

"I'm fine," I said.

Mr. Bergan sat up and began the class. He didn't care that we had two minutes left before shutting the doors, he just started his lesson. Just when I thought Mickiyah wouldn't show up, she did...and she looked amazing.

By amazing I mean, she didn't look as beat up as I did. In fact, she looks happy as ever. She walked in with a little strut and sat down right beside me in the front of the classroom. The two of us made eye contact.

"You good?" She asked me with a half smile.

I didn't say anything. Just looked at the notebook on my desk. I felt myself sweating. Sweating real hard. Feeling very uneasy.

The teacher did his job and taught the class for thirty minutes before asking us to get into groups to do a little exercise involving political discussion. Surprise surprise, it was me, another girl and Mickiyah in a group. We sat around Mickiyah's desk.

I remained quiet while the two of them talked.

"Tori?" The teacher called out. "Participation is a thing in here, you know."

I nodded. "Yes, I know." I said in a low voice.

"Discuss, Discuss!" He waved a hand.

I tried my best to discuss, and for the longest time Mickiyah kept asking me questions about the answers I picked. She kept moving close  to me and eyeing me really hard. It was making me nervous.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I said and got up abruptly.

Shortly after leaving, Mickiyah followed right behind me in the hallway. Just the two of us. "What's up?" She stopped me. "You're acting weird."

"I'm acting weird?" My eyes bulgded. I simply just pulled her into the bathroom with me."You know what happened to us last night! Don't play dumb. What the hell, Mickiyah?"

"So some stranger comes out of nowhere and you trust them," she asked me, looking me dead in my eye.

I couldn't break gaze. "Things are just weird right now," I said.

Mickiyah gave me hug, and rested her head one my shoulder. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you..."

"I'm sorry," I slowly pushed away and left the bathroom super confused and unsure what to believe.

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