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The four ghosts re appeared backstage at calebs club. Each one had on nice formal clothes. Luke in a navy blue suit, Alex in a pink suit, Reggie in a red suit, and Leanna in a skin tight navy blue dress to match Luke.

"Are we at the orpheum?" Reggie asked with confusion.

Leanna looked around the room, recognizing it immediately. A scared look came across her face as she looked to the boys. "This is bad.. this is very bad.." she said to them.

Suddenly Caleb appeared infront of them with an evil smile. "Welcome backstage friends! Get ready to preform!"

The four of them got a zap as Caleb laughed. "That looked like it hurt." He said as he went on stage.

Caleb and his current band started to preform, slowly adding in the sunset curve members.

Alex was freaking out because he appeared behind the drum set, Reggie was overall confused, and Luke was angry. Not angry like when Leanna and Reggie pranked Carlos.. but angry like he was going to hurt someone.

"And Luke..!" Caleb said poofing Luke onto the stage. Leanna was the only one left backstage. The three boys kept their focus on her, making sure she was doing alright.

Next thing Leanna knew, she was on the stage back to back with Luke, each of them playing their six strings uncontrollably.

"Lee we'll get outta here, trust me." Luke whispered into his terrified girlfriends ear.

"Ok.." Leanna shakily replied.

There was a small instrumental break in the song Caleb had them playing, so he made Leanna go dance with the other dancers.

Suddenly, mid dance she poofed away, leaving everyone confused and Caleb angry. The boys got concerned because as hard as they tried, they couldn't get out.

Leanna found herself at the orpheum and ran to find Julie, who was in her dressing room.

"Lee! Where are the boys?! We go on like now!" Julie said with panic in her voice.

"Look, I'm freaking out too.. but you've gotta preform.. they're trying to get here right now. Come on." Leanna said, leading the girl to the stage.

Julie got on stage nervously as she spoke to the audience, am trying to stall.

"I'd like to dedicate this performance to my mom, who's never given up on me.. and four special friends. They brought light back to my life and i couldn't be more thankful. We are, Julie and the phantoms." Julie said as she put the mic onto its stand and began playing.

"Don't blink
No, I don't want to miss it
One thing, and it's back to the beginning
Cause everything is rushing in fast
Keep going on never look back
And it's one, two, three, four times
That I'll try for one more night
Light a fire in my eyes
I'm going out of my mind
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens
Even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
I gotta keep on dreaming
Cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall."

Julie sang while Leanna harmonized and played soft notes on her six string. As she finished the first part of the song, a drummer started playing.

The two girls turned their heads and saw Alex appear with a big smile and messy hair.

Next, Reggie appeared with his bass guitar and his goofy smile. His smile faded a bit as he looked past Leanna.

The four of them looked where Reggie was looking, seeing Luke struggling to fully poof in. Looking at him, Leanna could see he was trying.

"I'm going outta my mind" Luke sang as he fully poofed in. A wide smile forming on everyone's faces.
As the band finished the song, the crowd went crazy.

The five members bowed together and the boys poofed away, leaving Leanna and Julie.

Leanna was on the verge of crying and falling apart so she poofed away too, leaving Julie to soak in the applause.

✔️My Rockstar |Luke Patterson|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang