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Walking home in the freezing rain, Angie was in light tears. She had been thinking about her birth family.

(Flashback a year ago)

"Angie, baby, go get washed up for dinner!" Her mother called.

"Ok mommy!" The mothers small four year old called back.

The little girl's soft waves bounced with her up the stairs. The mother promised to never cut them as they were gorgeous. She would tell the petite kid not to ever cut her hair either, and to only ever let her mommy give a small trim. That was the promise she made her baby the first moment they saw the waves.

While the bundle of joy ran to the shower, she bumped into her oldest brother, Nick. He was heading downstairs to help the mother set the table.

"What's the rush?" He joked with his sister.

"Mommy said to wash up before dinner," she beamed, showing her tiny teeth. Revealing the missing four in the very front.

"Ok, well you hurry so we can all eat!" He ruffled her hair. She nodded then ran off again.

She was taught how to bathe herself when she was three. As the family all learned at that very young age. She jumped in, cleaning faster than ever. Globing shampoo and conditioner into her tiny hand. With the thought of mixing them into her hair at the same time, and so she did. Lathering up her waves, only to soon rinse out the mixture and move to the strawberry body was. Pouring the pink liquid onto the purple lofa, then smearing it onto herself. She rinsed once more and hopped right out.

Wrapping herself into the hooded towel that had a design of a unicorn on it. She moved out into her room that she didn't have to share. The pastel pinks and purples gave so much life to the room. Along with the wall stickers of unicorns. To say she had a small obsession with unicorns would be an understatement. Her life long goal was to own a real unicorn. Mentioning it every day, wishing on shooting stars, asking every Christmas and birthday, until she would finally receive one.

She rummaged through her drawers for a pair of fluffy unicorn pants, which she rolled up not liking the feeling it had on her still damp legs. Grabbing the matching fluffy top to go with them. In the end she had looked like a unicorn. Just as she was about to run down to show her mom, a ear piercing scream was let out by the mother herself.

It wasn't long until the dad let out a scream, then Nick the oldest, Matt the second child, and Rylan the third child. Angie hadn't moved from where she stood in her room. She reminded herself of the words her brother had told her weeks before.

"If there's someone in the house grab a knife and hide," she mumbled to herself. That's exactly what she did as well. Her tiny feet pattered against the floor, stepping in a liquid. Her feet didn't stop, she reached up and grabbed a knife. Spinning to go hide into her closet, her body froze.

In front of the four year old, laid her entire family in the shape of an 'A'. Her tiny hand clenched around the knife. It was a terrible sight for any child to see.

The door gets kicked open, causing a horrid scream to leave the child's lips. The officers just stared at her. To them it looked like this tiny girl just murdered her family, but they knew that wasn't the case. A lady walks forward and scoops the baby up. Quickly, the shock wore off and Angie started to wail. Crying out for her mommy and daddy.

They had to get her out of there, and sadly into the back of a cop car. Driving the crying messy to the bureau for questioning. The lady hated having to question her, but she appeared to be soothing for the child.

The lady was blonde. Her hair tied back into a ponytail. With calm oceans for eyes. "Hi," she started.

"Where's mommy? Will she come get me soon?" Angie questioned with a tone of worry.

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