Job Interview

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"Do you know what kind of questions might be asked in an interview?" Mirha asked as she toyed with her pen, watching Hadi settle down in a chair opposite her and open the spare book she had already placed in his seat.

He was wearing a plain white t-shirt under a zip-up Nike jacket and black pants, headphones were hanging around his neck, his jet black hair were tousled in a careless yet attractive way and his face was a picture of disinterest.

Mirha had to sometimes think what gave her the courage to walk up to him. She had heard gossip about him here and there, from students in her batch and various seniors. He was among the most popular students, insanely rich - which was saying something since most popular students, insanely rich - which was saying something since everyone here was rich - suave, charming when he wants to be, a straight-A student and most importantly, a living, breathing  example of 'I do not give a fuck'. But then, she sometimes had to think what possessed him to agree to help her.

There was something fundamentally wrong with this whole thing, so she did what everyone did in these situations. She refused to think about it.

"What kind of interview?" Hadi inquired in a monotonous voice, leaning back in his chair and stretching his legs.

Mirha jumped slightly as his shoes touched her sandaled feet. She cleared her throat blushing and slid back in her seat.

Hadi raised his eyebrows, then slowly straightened up as well. 

"Job interview," Mirha said quickly, avoiding eye contact, "as a salesgirl. That huge, fancy mall not too far from here? I applied there a month ago."

Hadi blinked, then slowly nodded. "Okay."

"Anyway, they had hired someone else, but that person just left without warning. So they gave me a call, wanting to know if I was still available." Mirha clarified in a rush, bringing a hand up to tug self-conciously at her scarf.

Hadi shrugged, "They'd probably want to check your confidence. Might give a few lines to take a demo. And, I don't know, might assess your social and communication skills, how easily you get irritated. How long can you be fake polite. Could ask what you know about the products you'd be selling," he finished, easily listing off potential questions as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh," Mirha leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table, looking at Hadi with a small smile and bright eyes, "Well, I am confident, and I guess if I have that I can handle the rest just fine."

Hadi's eyebrows climbed up his forehead again and he spoke with an amused tilt to his lips, "Right. If you say so."

"Oh, you don't believe me?" Mirha's eyes shone with barely suppressed glee as she eagerly continued "Do you know, I once marched to the district counselor's office in our area to complain about the water shortage problem. All the wells had dried up and all the water tanks were empty. It was a nightmare. Everyone was over each other's neck, the stress was intensifying domestic disputes and there was a brawl in every other street. I was fed up," Mirha paused for a moment to chuckle at the memory of the horrified counselor. "So I ranted at the slimy looking, useless man and demanded that he make himself useful. And guess what?"

"What?" Hadi was staring at her with a slightly bemused expression, a change from his usual aloofness.

Mirha squared her shoulders, a grin creeping across her mouth, "The next day we all had water tankers brought from the city in front of our houses. Also, it was found out the tube wells weren't working not because there wasn't any water, but because there was some blockage in its pipes. That was repaired overnight as well. Almost. Everyone was so happy." She chuckled and added a bit timidly, "Though my father was a little angry at me."

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