People are talking

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Mirha was writing down the answer to the question Hadi had asked, with several other thoughts brimming in her mind.

There was so much in her life to worry about. Her aunt at home whose condition was worsening every day, even though her uncle had taken her to the hospital paying the charges from the money Mirha had sent from her first month's salary.

Then there was this damned job she was forced to go to. Even though she didn't have to face any such thing in the next couple of days, she knew workplace harassment was something she had to bear with as long as she wanted to get paid. There really was nothing she could do about it for filing a complaint was not even an option, especially in the absence of a suspect.

Then there was this end of the module exam she had been dreading from the very beginning, which was now next week. She didn't want to let Hadi down and disappoint him, she didn't want to let all his hard work over her be all in vain. Mirha wanted to prove to all the professors that she had potential.

And then finally there was her newfound feelings for Hadi, if she called it that, that surged extreme frustration in her whenever she was alone and found herself thinking about him. Embarrassed, she would jerk her mind off, reprimanding herself for having such thoughts.

To put a stop to it, though, her life itself was giving her a chance. Once getting done with the exam she'd immediately be gettin back to her village to spend the one week break, with a promise that for the next module she'd study herself, following the teaching methods of Hadi. The only way to get rid of the feelings she can't explain even to herself.

Right now as her hand moved over the paper, she could feel his eyes boring into her, but no matter how many times she shifted in her seat his gaze just wouldn't let her go. Willing for the heat to not rise to her face and neck, she simply refused to look at him.

"Feeling any better?" She heard him ask and made go with just a nod and a hum, knowing that he was mentioning that incident in the mall.


Then after a short pause. "Why don't you have any friends?"

"Because I'm not like the girls in my class." She said quietly and bit down on her lower lip as she came to the end of the answer, racking her mind desperately for something else to write.


"So I don't understand the stuff they're talking about, and-"


"I don't have anything to say to start a conversation."

"Well, you seem to have a lot to say to me."

Her heart thudded inside her chest. Mirha shrugged lightly. "Because you listen. They don't want to know about my life in the village."

Silence stretched. Mirha tried to think something to get a few extra words for the answer.

"Done?" Hadi finally said.

"What?" She looked up.

"Your answer," he said looking pointedly at her notebook, "is it done?"

"Yes." Nodding, she slid the book in his direction and waited as he read down the page.

Hadi looked up, the corners of his lips curled to shape a smile on his face. "Good. I must say I'm impressed."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"I'm sure you'd do great in the exam."

"I hope." Mirha grinned sheepishly. "Thank you Hadi, I can never be grateful enough."

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