You're Drunk

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The night sky hung over them with a sense of glee, stars hidden by the pollution smoke, moon visible and glinting over their heads. 

Students were scattered here and there, chatting and laughing, cladded in colourful costumes depicting glamorous fictional characters. A huge stage was set in the middle of the lawn, spot lights sparkling, creating halos on the dark grass. Pole lights further provided the luminosity needed to illuminate the night. 

Hadi and his friends made their way to the stage to partake in the preparations of the catwalk, which until a few minutes ago they had no idea would be taking place. 

Usually Leila and Sasha were the ones who kept track of everything that happened in the college, and any point worth mentioning they would relay to the boys, though Ma’az sometimes happened to know a few things, having heard from here and there. 

Rafay and Hadi stayed disinterested in such matters, considering them too trivial to pay any heed. If it was up to them, they wouldn’t even bother to take part in functions and parties held in their college. But you don’t always get to do things your way.

“Do I have my Dexter?” Sasha whined, shifting her weight to the other foot, her toes hurting from the pencil heels she wore. Dyed yellow hair split up into two ponytails, a pink miniskirt, knee length white striped, pink socks, Sasha looked extremely pretty, much of what she already was. 

A chest long white beard, hiding the face of the person sporting it, though giving him the look of Dumbledore, with his signature half moon spectacles, and long robes, the boy regarded Sasha with an intense look and said, faking a deep voice. “Patience, darling. All good things come to those who wait.”

Leila placed a hand on her hip and gave a sly smile. “Already got your guy, have you?” She was the Mcdonalds clown, looking adorable in her red wig, and round, sparkling, scarlet nose.

“Oh Grindelwald, darling?” The guy said, faking his voice again. “Oh yes. I’ve waited too long.” He added with a wink. “After this we’re having a steaaaamy night.”

Sasha snorted. “Well good luck to you with that.”

“If you guys are done, let us know already if we’ve got our partners or not.” Ma’az interjected, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

“Didn’t you guys have a discussion before wearing these things?” The guy frowned, his beard tilting to a side on his face.

“No. Have a problem with that?” countered Sasha raising her eyebrows. “Now tell me already, does Didi happen to have her Dexter among these people or not?”

“Nope. But we have a Jasmine for Aladdin," he gave a pointed look at Hadi, who had been quiet throughout, listening to the others with patience, not really interested himself, and then the guy skirted his eyes over Rafay, "and . . . a Hermione for Ron here.”

Hadi's eyebrows arched up, only slightly.

"Seriously though, you guys didn't discuss with the others what you wanted to be so that you'd all have your respective partners?" 

Leila shrugged. "We didn't know we were supposed to do a catwalk, okay?"

"Oh really, I don't buy that Leila."

"Then don't." Leila rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Shut up, Leila." Sasha said, already getting irritated with the whole situation, and turned to the guy. "So nobody is Dexter?"


"Who's Jasmine?" Bilal interjected, curious and then hastily added. "And Hermione of course?"

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