Cedric Diggory

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Your the girlfriend of Cedric Diggory. You're both in the same house and you both play Quidditch. Him a Seeker and you a Chaser.
When the Triwizard Tournament is announced, you both decide to go for it. But you have your hopes that neither of you get in, mainly due to the insanely high death toll.
Right now, You and Cedric are sitting with your guys' group of friends, waiting for Dumbledore to announce the Hogwarts Champion.
"And, the Hogwarts Champion is..... Y/N Y/L/N." he announced. You felt a wave of nausea wash over you as you stand up and catch the worried and supportive eyes of your boyfriend.
The Hogwarts students roar with applause, you feeling the ground shake and too many back slaps to register.
You shakily walk to Dumbledore, wondering absentmindedly if you look confident enough.
He shakes you hand and wishes you luck before gesturing to the door the Champions go through.
You take one last glance at Cedric and he's smiling and cheering. You smile and wave at the Hogwarts students before making your way into the room.

Time skip

You took in a deep breath before knocking on Cedric's dorm door.
Everyone was sent back to their common rooms before I could go talk to him.
You heard the doorknob turn and felt the butterflies flutter wildly in your stomach.
Would he break up with you? Would he hope you died?
What- he would never say that. I'm just overthinking. You whisper yell in your mind.
He opens the door and smiled at you. 
"Hey, Ced, can we talk?" You ask hesitantly, your voice going an octave higher as you question your decision to do this. 
"Um ya sure." He answers, taking your hand and leading you towards his bed. You sit down and fidget you hands and bounce you legs on the floor.
"Um. I just wanted to talk to you about the tournament." You start, your palms starting to get slick with sweat.
You were never nervous to talk to your boyfriend, ever. But this is something about life and death.
You watch as Cedric smiles encouragingly and opens his mouth to start what he's thinking.
"At first, I knew you had a good chance at the tournament. But then my mind jumped to 'overprotective boyfriend' mode." He answered, putting quotations on overprotective boyfriend, finishing with a small, sheepish laugh.
"But, I know you'll win with just a single scratch. Nothing will ever kill you." He answered with a confident smile.

Time skip

You watch with tears stinging your eyes as you watch Cedric take your deceased body into his arms and collapse, sobs wracking his body.
Peter Pettigrew had killed you in the graveyard. You remember feeling your breath being taken away, like you just tasted something so delicious. But it was a bad 'breath taken away from you'.
It was the killer breath taken away from you. The kind that puts pain into those close to you. The kind that feels like an endless roller coaster of pain and tears. The kind that makes people put themselves to rest. The kind that is always there and always stinging with a newfound pain. The kind that makes family and friends eyes dry, red and puffy. The kind that makes their body ache with fatigue and longing to have you back where you belong.
Your death was a symbol of war and that things are getting real.
Your death was a symbol that things may be tough now, but it won't last like that.
Your death was a symbol that not all people live till their ninety. There are teenage deaths too.
Your death is a symbol that not everyone has a full life to do whatever they long to in their teenage years. You don't get to experience Marriage, children, heartbreak and memories you'll forget in your nightmares.
Your death was symbol to live your life while you can. So cry, love, laugh, dance, sing, promote that song, publish that book, travel the world, go to that concert, sneak out, etc. Not everyone can do that in death.
And that ladies and gentleman, was your life lesson, and the story to pass on for generations.

Alright, I felt sad today so why not write a sad imagine? This got me cryin' , not gonna lie.
Next imagine will be

Harry Pottah!
I meant Potter

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