Sirius Black (M.E.)

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The one thing you knew about Sirius Black was that he was a player. You had expected that when you two started to date. You thought he would cheat on you, leave you after a few days. But that never happened.
You had been together for a little over year now. You figured Sirius would need a medal for staying with someone so long. Sirius was handsome, no doubt about that, but he was yours, and you were his.
It was a windy day today, but the sun still shone with its brilliant rays spraying across the Hogwarts grounds. You walked outside to the Black Lake, resting your body on a large rock, placing your school bag carefully away from the spraying waves.
You smiled at the beauty of the lake. It looked black, but not so black you couldn't see anything else, just black. You noticed that when you focused on a certain part of the waves, you could nearly see through it.
You felt someone sit beside you, but you didn't have to look to see who it was.
"Why do you have a cup?" You asked gently.
"For this." Sirius answered. He tipped the clear glass into the lake, the brought it back up.
"I've always wondered why it's clear in a glass, and not in a lake." Sirius said, scrunching up his face a little bit.
"It's because of the iron, manganese and calcium in the water. They can cause water to turn into so many different colours, ie. red and orange to green and blue." You answer, your inner Ravenclaw coming out of its shell. Sirius laughs and rolls his eyes.
"You're such a Ravenclaw." He teased, poking your stomach. A giggled erupted from your mouth, but quickly covered it with your hand.
"Wrong, I'm in Hufflepuff. And if I'm such a Ravenclaw," you insinuated 'Ravenclaw' "then you're such a Gryffindor." You retort, although feeling it wasn't a very good one.
"Thank you for such a lovely compliment." He says with a smug smirk playing on his features.
"Oh shut up Sirius."

Oh ya I updated, yes I did. Next one will be for...........

George Weasley

Prob won't be a sad one too, so yeah. I feel like I'm in a good mood this week, idk 😐

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