Harry Potter

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In your first year, you met Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express with your sister, Hermione Granger. The first month was rough, as you and Hermione chose to follow the lines of school rules and schoolwork.
The four of you often got into petty squabbles in the first month, but after the two boys saved you and Hermione from the troll (even though Ron was the reason they went into the bathroom in the first place), you became quick friends.
You four were as close as the Weasley family, but you also fought like the Weasleys (*cough* Harry and Ron fourth year *cough*).
You guys were known as the 'Golden Quartet' after you all saved the school the second time.
Now time skip three years, you're all in fifth year. Hermione had developed a crush on Ron, and you on Harry. You also figured out you could control the four elements.
One day, Harry approached you.
"Hi Harry." You greeted with a warm smile as you looked up from your Arithmancy homework.
"Hey, Y/N." He said. He had contemplated about how he would ask this, but decided to go with his gut (horrible decision really). He's liked you since third year, but figured you didn't like him back, so now he's trying to move on with Cho.
"What do you want Harry?" You asked with narrowed eyes. He only hesitated like that when he wanted something.
"At the meeting tonight can you help me get together with Cho?" He asked hesitantly. You felt your insides tighten and your heart clench.
"Uh, um, yeah. Of course, what else are friends for?" You accepted in a squeaky voice, a very false smile falling onto your features.
"Brilliant." He said as a thanks, and walked away again. When he was out of sight you felt tears stinging your eyes. This is what happens when you like your best friend. You silently collected your books and everything else, putting your head to the ground as you walked up to your shared dormitory with Hermione.
She was sitting in her bed when you walked in, and greeted you with a smile. When she saw your tears falling silently down your pale cheeks, she immediately got concerned.
"What happened?" She asked in astonishment as you sat on your bed with your head in your hands. You looked at her with tears swimming in your Y/E/C eyes.
"Harry likes Cho." You answered, a bubble rising in your throat. She gaped for a moment before wrapping you in a hug. "He asked me to help him get together with Cho." You finished. You felt the bubble close out your air. But it wasn't. You only felt like there was a bubble blocking your air.
"..well, are you?" Hermione asked.
"Why make another girl cry because of the boy you're crying over?" You asked.

Well it wasn't much, but I felt like another sad one was good. Idk.
I'm also rlly proud of the last line. Don't ask why, can't explain.
Next chappie will be....

James Potter

Hell yeah.

Also in Marauders Era.

If u didn't know

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