13 - Parth's fear

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I dedicate this chapter to NittyaShah for your constant support. Thank you dear! Keep supporting!!



I went and sat behind him.

"How is Krystle? ",Andrew asked.

"...She is....the way she is ",I weakly smiled at him.

Soon, Theo and Parth came. "So Miss. Nonstop, will you open your mouth to speak or do you need any more excuse to not say? ",Parth asked.

I glared at him. And in turn he gave me his stupid smirk.

"Akansha, can you tell us? ",Andrew asked softly.

I then told him everything. His face changed from sadness to confusion to happiness to hurt to shock.

He was shocked to hear what Kryz had thought.

"It's all my fault!! All my fault ",he said and lowered his head.

"We can change that Andy ",Theo soothed him with his words.

The staff came inside, "I am sorry! I was just a little late ",he then started the class.

But my mind was thinking of how to patch them.

The bell rang and the students rushed out towards the exit.

Soon the day got over. I kept my books in the locker and turned to see Parth making out with some random girl opposite to my locker.

I closed my eyes in disgust and walked away fast. I have seen him there with someone a lot of time. Doesn't he have a little decency?

The day went by with my work at Green World and after my working hours, I walked outside to see Parth waiting for me.

I looked at him with a neutral face and then entered the car without any words.

To my relief, the drive to his house was silent. Soon, we reached his house. I got down and walked towards his mansion without waiting for him.

I heard the footsteps behind me and then I felt a hand tugging me.

I turned and looked at him with a quizzical look.

"Is something wrong? ", he asked me.

"No...",I mumbled.

"What happened, Miss. Nonstop? Where are your non-stop talks? "

"I am okay. Even if I am not, it's none of your concern. "

"And one more free advice! Please don't make out publicly; It's disgusting!! ",the words slipped through my mouth before I could stop it.

Ugh!!! What did I do now??

"Oh!!! So Miss. Nonstop is feeling jealous ",he said with a smirk.

"I am not jealous ",I said, gritting my teeth. "It's so disgusting to see it everyday. Not every person likes to see those! I am one of them, So, you do whatever you want, but not in front of me ",I added.

"So cute ",he pinched my cheek, "Why are you acting like you haven't done those before? Acting so innocent? "

"Stop blabbering. Keep quie....",I started but saw Andrew and Theo coming. Thank the lord for their great timing!

"It seems like you guys are bonding well ",Andrew said with a smirk on his face.

"What are we going to do next? ",I asked, changing the topic.

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