19 - Finding a beautiful spot

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Sitting at my seat, I waited for the teacher to come. Being surrounded by popular people, I get the usual jealous glares from almost everyone for being able to speak with them easily.

I was popular too in my school and my previous college. But it is not necessary for them to know about it. The main reason for their hatred towards me is because of Parth. Since he had shared his seat with me, they started to look at me with disgust too. But who cares? They don't know me. And I don't know them.

"This will exist only for a few days. He will surely get bored of you. So, enjoy yourself as much as you can when you have him ", a girl said while glaring at me. I think her name is Ferika or Erica... something.... who cares?

"Thank you very much for your sweet, concerned advice ",I said sarcastically. "But, I don't need it ",I sneered.

Before she could reply back, she looked behind and then glared at me and went back to sit at her place.

I heard the shuffling sound near me, and I turned to look at Parth who was looking at me. "Hi ",I said when I didn't know what to say.

He looked at me and then nodded his head acknowledging me. Mr. John entered, interrupting the conversation that was about to start.

"Thank you very much ",I whispered for him to hear.

"For what? ",he asked back, looking at the staff.

"Yest- " but he cut me off, "Yesterday was nothing. You came to know about my thing and I came to know about yours; that's it! So, don't think about it. "

Even though I had convinced myself with this thought, it still hurts when it came directly from his mouth. It's better to hear the truth than living in lies!

"Okay ",I said with no emotion in my words.

"So, Miss. Nons--- I mean Miss. Partner, what are we going to do next? ",he asked after some time.

"About what? "

"Our mission of bringing Andy and Krystle together?! "

"Oh, but we have done what we could do. Now, they should take it from here since Kryz has given Andy a chance. "

"When did this happen? ",he asked shocked.

"You don't know? It just happened at the last class. "

"Oh! I didn't see him. That's the reason why I didn't know about it. Even though I don't believe in this love concept, I am happy for him since he is happy with it. "

There comes his hate concept of love! I don't know why he doesn't believe it. It's the most beautiful feeling one could experience. I hope he realizes it soon.

"Since Mr. Saxton and Mrs. Corey are interested in speaking within themselves, why don't you both go out and continue your business ", Mr. John said looking at us.

Shit! I didn't expect to get caught for talking. "I am sorr-- ",before I could apologize ,"Okay ",Parth stated and walked out of the class.

What the? Is he not afraid? What are you thinking, Kanz? He is a person who doesn't worry about his actions! One day, this behavior of his is going to land him in big trouble.

"Why are you still standing? Out! ",Mr. John fumed.

I guess he is pissed with Parth's attitude. "Sorry sir ", I mumbled and walked out.

Where should I go now? Having nothing on my mind, I decided to wander around grabbing all the details of my surroundings. After what felt like a long, long walk, I noticed a spot with a large willow looking so calm, serene, and beautiful! I fell in love with that spot!! Since it is a little far away from the buildings, it seems like many people don't wander here. Something good has happened too because of getting caught with Parth. 

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