34 - I Love You

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I am extremely sorry for not updating. An unplanned family tour was suddenly made. And I couldn't cancel it. It was a four day trip and I had no time to write this chapter. As soon as I reached home, I penned my thoughts fast and updated this one for you!! I am extremely sorry for making you wait!! I hope you like this chapter!!! Happy reading :)



Shit! Shit! Shit! How did I forget to bring my dress with me? If Parth hadn't distracted me, I would have taken my clothes from my bag. Since I would be alone, Parth asked me to stay at his house. And since I love Parth, I gladly accepted it. But when am I going to express my feelings? How am I going to?

But the problem for now is that my dress is outside and I am only in a bathrobe. Parth must have gone to the kitchen or hall or somewhere else. With little hope in my heart, I opened the door and peeped to see if Parth was there. And luckily no one was there! Yay!!

Oh no!! What is he doing at that corner with the flower stand? But luckily since his back was facing me, I slowly tip-toed towards my bag which was lying safely on the bed.

Everything went smoothly until I reached my bag. "Ouch! ",I yelped when the bed contacted my ankle in full force. I mean in a hurry, I hit my leg causing me to yelp in pain.

I looked at Parth to see him jerk in panic! Sweat beads formed on his head. Is he nervous seeing me in a robe?

"It's okay Parth; you can continue your work. I am going to change. "

His face changed from panic to relief! This wasn't what I expected from him! I am standing in a Fucking bathrobe and he looks so calm about it now!

"What are you wearing Akansha? ",Parth asked suddenly as if he just now recognized that I am wearing a bathrobe! Bathrobe? Oh shit!! I need to change.

With that thought in mind, I rushed inside with my clothes.

I heard Parth calling me but I ignored it and rushed inside and locked the bathroom door.

Even though I wished to tease him, I am feeling a little shy to do it!! Akansha!! You love him!! There is nothing wrong with teasing him!! Then why did you run like a scared rabbit when Parth called you? Maybe I was nervous. Next time it won't happen. Yes!! It won't happen! I guess so.

I changed into my dress and looked at the mirror for the last time and walked outside to see Parth nowhere to be found. When I expect to see him, he is not here. When I didn't expect him to be here, he was there! It's all my fate! What to do now?

I took my phone out to see Kryz's message that Andy is loved by her father and mother. Even though her dad was a little strict with him at first, he has warmed up with him later.

'I am so happy for you' ,I added a smiley emoji and sent the message.

'Have you said it to Parth?' ,her message came after a few seconds.

'Not yet.... Um.. I'm nervous', I texted my dilemma to her.

'Just go for it girl!! ', came her reply.

'Will do. Enjoy there ', I replied to her.

'You too babe. Waiting for the good news ',she texted back.

"So, Kansha has decided to show her beauty to the world ",I heard Parth's voice from a distance, making me jerk a little.

I looked at my simple pair of loose-fit pants and a simple shirt having a mickey mouse face on it! Is he making fun of me?

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