A Little Black Lock

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The doorbell ringing echoed through the house. "I'm coming!" Caroline called out, snatching up the candy bowl on the table in the foyer. Opening the door, she smiled down at the two kids standing there.

"My, do you look scary!" Caroline exclaimed as she grabbed up a handful of candy and deposited it in the Halloween bags. The two mumbled their thanks and headed back up the walkway to their waiting parents as a young Captain Jack Sparrow tripped down the path towards her porch. Caroline gave him a generous helping of candy before stepping inside again and shutting the door, resisting her instinctual urge to lock the door.

I'm safe here. I've been safe for years.

Padding into her living room, Caroline flipped on the television and found a rerun of The Big Bang Theory, curling up to enjoy the show.

It was a couple episodes later when the bell rang again and Caroline stood, hurrying over to the door. A glance at the clock told her it was approaching ten, and she frowned. Parents sure are letting their kids stay out late. And on a school night! I never would have gotten away with this.

Opening the door, she held the candy ready but there was no one there to receive it.

What the –?

Caroline turned, dropping her gaze, and then she saw it.

The ebony lock of hair, bound by a dark red ribbon, lying on the welcome mat.

Caroline couldn't help it. She screamed, dropping the bowl of candy, and slammed the door closed, bolting the lock. Turning, she ran past the living room with the now eerie laugh track playing and shut herself into the hall closet, sliding to the floor as the coats rustled.

I thought I was safe!

Covering her face with her hands, Caroline felt her shoulders shake but no tears came. It took several moments for her to realize she was having a panic attack, her breath coming in short gasps as she struggled to regain her grip on reality.


Caroline jumped, but it was only Sheldon from the television show. It wasn't Edward. Someone must have left the lock of hair as a joke.

But who? The killing spree was still too recent for anyone to joke about Edward's "mark," especially with regard to Caroline. Besides, the hair was hers, she just knew it. And that red was his favorite color, a piece from the dress she had worn that last night.


The low voice startled Caroline. Edward was right outside the door. Waiting for her.


Caroline couldn't say anything. I thought I was safe!

"You've never been safe."

She heard the doorknob turning and screamed with her last breath, knowing his knife would drain the blood from her body and cut off her hair, which would be tied up with the remainder of the strips of red cloth from that dress Edward had liked on her.

It felt like so long ago.

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