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Boots planted firmly on the softly glowing bridge, Loki stared down his brother Thor. "Brother!" he called. "You don't have to do this! Let us reconcile this breach between us!"

Thor scowled at Loki. "It is too late for reconciliation, Loki," he declared. "Father has gone too far. I am the rightful king of Asgard, and I should be ruling from the throne! But no, Father had to cast me aside, to deem me unworthy, and name you heir in my place!"

Loki's grip tightened on Gungnir, Odin's spear. "Father is still the king of Asgard, and his decision is law."

"No," Thor said. "No, it is not. I shall overthrow him and you, and you will bow before your rightful king." He raised his pair of swords, and Loki knew the time had come.

Raising Gungnir, Loki moved as Thor charged, the golden spear meeting the silver swords.

The two fought, the Asgardian by birth battling with the Asgardian by adoption. Loki knew he was no match for Thor in strength, but perhaps if he tapped into the abilities his mother had trained him in....

Under the force of Thor's blows, Loki retreated, feeling sorrow wash over him as he stepped over Heimdall's body, the lifeless guardian having sacrificed his life in an attempt to stop Thor. But it had failed, and now only Loki stood between his brother and Asgard.

"You will fail, brother," Thor swore. "You always have, and you always will. It's your signature trait."

Oh, you don't know me that well if you think failure is my signature trait, brother.

Summoning a dagger to his hand, Loki plunged it forward into Thor's side, causing his brother to wince, sucking in his breath through his teeth as Loki whirled away from him, whipping the butt of Gungnir up and around. The golden spear whacked Thor in the side of the head, the force of the blow telekinetically enhanced by Loki's magic.

I'll show you my signature trait!

"You forgot much, brother, if all you remember me as is a failure," Loki told him, teeth bared.

Thor roared and charged. Loki quickly created an illusion of himself, projecting it forward as he retreated, invisible.

All Thor saw was Loki standing his ground and he crashed straight through the illusion, his momentum propelling him onward. Loki rushed forward, thrusting Gungnir into his brother's leg.

With a yell, Thor spun and slammed the flat of his sword into the side of Loki's head, sending him reeling. Before Loki could react, the second sword cut into his face, opening a gash which spat blood. He fell, slamming into the cold Bifrost, and stared up at his brother as he felt blood welling in his right eye.

It's gone.

"It's over," Thor vowed. "I've won."

A rumbling sounded in the distance. Loki knew another moment would end his life. Then a grey blur flew through the air and Mjolnir entered Loki's grasp.

I'm worthy.

Lightning flashed as Loki raised the hammer.

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