The Differences of Monsters

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Skairen stared down at Planet 546-23, otherwise titled Vikliasten. For years the inhabitants had been left to live in peace, since their doings did not affect the other planets in the galaxy, but today, Skairen had her orders from the Sanalel High Council, which would upset whatever civilization – or lack thereof – existed down below. The current Sanalel colony needed more space to expand there, and so the village located on the land necessary for the colony's expansion needed to go.

Eradicate the monsters, General Skairen.

"Prepare to land," she told her control crew. "We're going in."


The squadron descended the ramp, led by Skairen. Rifles raised, the general led her troops forward, through the forest toward the field just visible through the trees. According to her intel, a village of the inhabitants – termed "monsters" by the Sanalels – existed in this field, the largest known village of the monsters in Vikliasten.

Since Skairen was part of the Galactic Conference Army, her squadron was required to take orders from the planetary members of the Conference, of which Sanalel was one. Skairen would rather be anywhere else on the day before the celebration of Hallowed, but orders were orders. Superstitions were running high among Skairen's troops, but she discouraged them every chance she got. But with the mission to Vikliasten and the coming run-in with the locals, tensions were rising.

The squad reached the edge of the forest and Skairen paused, doing a brief check before ordering her troops to move out. They stole across the field, moving through the grass toward the village lying before them.

They were in before any of the inhabitants awoke, firing into homes, lasers slashing through windows and walls. Screams filled the night and Skairen felt her stomach twisting. She hated this, hated this part of her job.

The Sanalels were so intent on colonizing other, "primitive" worlds that they enlisted the GCA to clear out space for their colonies. This wasn't the first world Skairen's team had been called into to handle an expansion.


Ridd's voice cut through her concentration and Skairen turned just in time to see a being lunging at her. The monster slammed into her, knocking her off her feet, and she was suddenly staring up into the face of a Viklian.

Otherwise known as a "monster."

"Why do you do this?" the monster hissed. "We are not the monsters. The Sanalels are. We live peacefully. They are the ones disrupting our lifestyles."

A burst of laser, the flash of light, and the Viklian's tense body slumped forward.

Ridd was there in a second, shoving the body off Skairen and pulling her to her feet. "Close one, that," he said, and Skairen could only look at him.


"You ever thought we're on the wrong side?" Skairen asked Ridd, head in her hands as her helmet sat by her feet. "We slaughter natives just so Sanalel can enlarge yet another colony. Why?"

Ridd just shook his head. "I don't know why."

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