Chapter 6 - dinner

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You and Spencer make your way downstairs to meet with the everyone else before you head to your first dinner together. Spencer has not said a single word since you had his dick in your mouth twenty minutes ago and it was starting to make you wonder if he regretted it. 

"What have you two been up to all day?" Derek asked looking between you and Spencer. He was dressed in his best European chic outfit, complete with leather jacket and tight pants.

"Nothing!" Spencer responds almost immediately which then pulls all eyes to him. Theres a momentary silence between friends as you fill the gap with your own voice.

"We went to the Louvre without you guys since Einstein over here wanted to get there at the asscrack of dawn! I decided to let the rest of you sleep." you say light-heartedly, nudging Penelope who still looks a mess after their night of drinking. Spencer exhales loudly and you can tell he is glad the conversation is moving away from himself. His face starts to fade from light pink back to his normal coloring.

"And thank god for that, this is why I love you." Emily chimed in from behind Penelope, wrapping her arms around your shoulders in a tight embrace. This was the first time you'd seen her since you all checked into the hotel, you wonder what she got up to today. She knows Paris better than anyone else here, you're sure she could show you some of her favorite places. 

"Yeah, I needed those extra hours. Rico Suave over here didn't let us leave the clubs until four a.m., busy grinding on all sorts of French ladies.. and men" she added with a wink, the rest of us giggling at the idea. 

"Hey, I don't discriminate! Whoever wants some chocolate thunder can have some with the right moves!" he responds in a smooth-talking tone that makes you reconsider everything you thought you knew about him. Not that it mattered what gender he preferred, and you actually respected him more now that you knew he might be bi, he always screamed toxic masculinity to you. 

"Alright kids, let's head over to dinner I made reservations at the cutest little restaurant with the best view of the Eiffel Tower!" Emily says while she grabs your hand, leading you away from the rest of the group. You two walk a few feet in front of the others when she starts to stare at you while walking through the cobblestone streets of the 11th arrondissement of Paris near your hotel.

"What, do I have something on my face?" you ask, laughing slightly at her brown eyes that are burning holes into your head, her brows furrowed only slightly.  

"What's the deal with you and brainiac?" she asks, a hint of a smile forming on her face. She was always the best at picking up on things. Everyone here was a profiler (minus Penelope), but ultimately she knew you the best and could tell when the slightest thing was different. 

"What do you mean?" you ask, trying not to give any indication on your face that you knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"Don't play dumb with me y/n, I thought we were closer than this" she shakes her head in response and you sigh loudly. 

"Fine." you say and look behind you to make sure the others are far enough away that they aren't eavesdropping.

"Fine, what?" she says, a slight annoyance tinging her voice this time. 

"I sucked him off" you say quickly, hoping the conversation would end at that, though you knew that would never happen. 

"You did WHAT! Oh you little hussy!" she whisper-screams, the biggest shit eating grin on her face now. 

"Excuse me!!! How dare you" you reply, faking hurt. You were comfortable enough around each other to where you could call each other every name in the book and you both knew you were playing around. 

Profilers in Paris } s.r.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang