Chapter 13 - Heart on Fire

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"Fuck, yes, right there" you moan, leaning your head back against Spencer's shoulder while he thrusts into you from behind. His heavy breathing in your ear only spurs you on further and you begin to come undone. 

"Come for me, baby" he whispers and with those words alone you see stars. Your spasming around him only forces him over his own edge, his loud grunts becoming more frequent as he spills himself inside of you. 

You both take a few minutes to sit and collect your breath before separating so you can head into the bathroom to clean up and pee. You come back to a tired Spencer sitting on the edge of the bed, boxers back on. 

"I truly am sorry, Spence." you say, voice low and head turned towards the hotel carpeting. 

"I know, baby. All is forgiven. I don't want to waste any more time" he responds and you look up to him, meeting his eyes with butterflies in your stomach at this new nickname. You match his smile and turn to start getting dressed once again.

You decide that you should meet up with the rest of the gang at the Eiffel Tower, considering they were likely still hanging around the same area. You throw on a pair of ripped jeans and some black booties, along with a plain white tee and a black leather jacket. Spencer is dressed in his usual dapper vest and slacks, along with a heavier jacket if needed. You stare at him as he gathers his things in his bag, throwing his dirty clothes into the hamper provided by the hotel. He catches you staring and smirks.


"Oh, nothing." you respond, stepping towards him to place a chaste kiss on his lips "Just admiring your beauty" 

His cheeks go slightly red at the compliment, and you smile. You loved how easy it was to make him blush, it was flattering in a way. As satisfying as it was to know you could turn him on, this was a different, more innocent kind of flattering that warmed your whole body.

"Let's get going before they ask what we've been up to" Spencer says with a mischievous smile and you reach and grab his left hand, interlocking your fingers together. He picks up your combined hands and places a kiss on the top of yours as you leave the room. 

You walk in comfortable silence together the several blocks to the Eiffel Tower, hand in hand. Before, you were worried about what the others may think and likely the teasing that would follow. Now? Who cares. You loved this boy and you didn't care who knew it. You would shout it from the rooftops if he asked. Hiding it had caused Spencer pain and you never ever wanted to be the cause of his heartache again.

You begin to see the tip of the tower in the distance and excitement bubbles in your chest. You've dreamed about visiting the Eiffel Tower since you were a little girl, drawing pictures of it in your kindergarten class telling the teacher all about how you would go one day with the love of your life. When you left for this trip, you were just happy to be going to see it, love or no love. Somehow, fate had interfered and you really were on the way to see the Eiffel Tower with, what could be, the love of your life. 

"Hey guys!" Penelope beckoned to you both, eyes flickering between you two and your intertwined hands. "Something you want to tell us?" 

She cocked her head to the side, Derek and Emily walking up behind her waiting for you two to speak. You looked at Spencer and nodded, and squeezed your hand tight. You lean to the side and kiss him, your left hand coming up to cup the side of his jaw. You pull away after a few moments to see three slack-jawed people staring back at you. 

"That answer your question?" you chuckle, leaning your head on Spencer's shoulder. 

"I- just - yeah." Penelope finally chokes out and you all erupt into laughter. 

"Well come on lovebirds, let's get a move on then! We waited for you." Derek says, motioning for you to follow him.

You all wait in line for a bit, chatting idly about food the others have had thus far, Penelope even keeping track of the number of baguettes she's had so far on the trip - 11. You were both shocked and impressed.. and a little bit jealous. You hadn't had a ton of time to explore like you wanted to these past few days due to all the drama with Spencer, but now you couldn't wait to explore with him. 

You paid the fee and began the climb up the Eiffel Tower, both steps and elevators being used. Spencer being Spencer he peppered in some fun facts during the wait for everyone to enjoy:

"Did you know the original height was nearly 1000 feet?"

"Until 1930 it was the tallest structure in the world!"

 "It was only supposed to be around for twenty years!"

With each and every fact that spilled from his lips you loved this man more. You weren't sure why or how, but you didn't care. You just listened with your full attention, letting him know that you genuinely cared about each and every thing he had to say. 

*begin playing the song at the top of the chapter now:)*

All of you began to go silent as you reached the top of the tower, the sun now beginning to set. You all admired the beauty of the city as the fiery golden rays illuminated each and every corner. You'd never seen anything more beautiful and you couldn't imagine being here with anyone else but your love and your closest friends. 

You felt Spencer snake a hand around your waist as the sun inched further and further down, the darkness beginning to blanket over the city quickly, leaving you yearning for the warm glow that had left only moments before. His thumb rubbed small circles on your back and he cleared his throat. 


You turned your head to meet his eyes in response, waiting for him to continue. 

"We never really made it official, and I don't just want to assume. So.. will you be my girlfriend?" 

You smile, and silence sits between you two.

"I've not asked many women before, I'm not sure if that was the right--" 

You cut him off, pushing your lips to his before he rambles any further. 

"Of course I will Spence." you tell him, laying your chin on his chest, looking up at him from below. 

He smiles and places a kiss on your forehead, looking over to Derek, Penelope and Emily who are pretending not to be eavesdropping behind him. 

"Oh, and y/n?" you look up once again and he leans down so his mouth hovers just above your ear "I love you." he whispers 

You smile and move your head so your lips are above his ear, copying his move. "I love you too" you whisper back.

You wrap your arms around his back and settle into his chest, looking out onto the city that is now encased in darkness. You spend a moment thinking about all the people below you, each with their own lives and stories. Each with their own loved ones. Being up here makes you feel so small. But Spencer makes you feel big, like you can do and be anything. With so many love stories happening in the world at once it's hard to believe that yours was special, but you knew it was. What you two had was nothing short of extraordinary, that you were sure of. 

*A/N not me updating on my lunch break

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*A/N not me updating on my lunch break ... hehe. Anyway hope u enjoyed this mostly fluffy chapter I just wanted to get something out there. I have three chapters done of my Luke fic on my page and will hopefully be updating that later today as well so if u haven't checked it out pls do! This story will be shorter and will probably end close to 20 chapters, maybe less. Let me know what u think:) hope u enjoyed the little song I included this time too, trying it out!*

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