Chapter 4: Rise Peasant

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The whole school was staring. I am not exaggerating at all. Literally all of them were staring. We just ignored them and walked to the office, conversing in German to avoid eavesdropping. When we entered the office, the receptionist looked up and paled immediately. She started stumbling over words, none of which made sense as she looked at us in fear.

"Lady, calm down. We just want our schedules and then we will leave." I said and she nodded quickly.


"Alexis Taylor and Aiden Taylor." Aiden said and she visibly relaxed.

"Here you go. You both are in junior year and you can come to me if you need anything, okay dear?" The receptionist said with a nice smile and we smiled back.

"We will. Thank you." I replied and then waved goodbye and walked out the door. The halls were full of energy as people talked excitedly over each other.

The Philips Academy of Arts is a private school that was made for prodigies. No matter what you are good in as long as you are exceptional, you have a seat with your name on it. Very few people get into it and there is no discrimination based on gender, richness or colour. There were people in the halls with their noses buried in books, some were leaping around with moves that would make the ballet stars jealous, others were standing in paint splattered clothes, talking animatedly about something. Each group was distinct yet the school was one with each group intermingling with the others. The air was lively but when they took one look at us they parted like the red sea.

I was beyond confused at the reaction but I brushed it off. I kept speaking to Aiden in rapid German as we approached our first class for the day. We had almost all classes together except for the 3rd and the 7th ones and we were ecstatic. I don't think I could pass Biology without Aid and he  definitely could not pass math without me. The first few classes dragged on and by the end of the class, I was ready to bolt. The bell rang right then and I shot out of my seat dragging Aiden with me.  

He chuckled at my eagerness and let me drag him to the cafeteria.

"Woah, slow down, Flash. The food isn't going anywhere." He replied humorously.

"Oh shut up, I'm hungry." I replied and stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're always hungry." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Au contraire, I'm almost never hungry. It's you who is always hungry." I replied and he seemed to think about it for a minute before realising that I was right.

"Oh, shut up." He replied and we were almost at the cafeteria when we were confronted by the she-devil herself.

"Alexis? Aiden?" She asked in disbelief.

"Mirabelle." Aiden replied with a sigh. I could just feel the headache building from talking to her.

"Did you two charity cases follow me here? How did you even get in?" She asked and we both simultaneously raised an eyebrow at her ridiculousness.

"Us? Follow you? Are you daft?" I asked, trying and failing to keep in a laugh.

"But I was the one who was supposed to come here. Only me. Not non-talented nobodies like you!" She exclaimed in frustration.

"Yet we were the ones given the scholarship while you had to get in using daddy's money and connections." I replied and you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Ugh, You're so....ugh." She replied before turning on her heel and stomping away.

"Mirabelle! Call me when you have a good comeback and I'll tell you how much of a damn I give." I yelled back and I could see her ears getting red as she stomped away. Aiden and I dissolved into laughter as we trudged to my locker so that I could dump all the books I don't need. I put in the code and opened the locker and my books slipped out of my hands. I groaned as I bent down to pick it up as Aiden continued laughing like a hyena.

"Oy! You two! Newbies!" A voice yelled and we turned towards the voice. It was a vaguely Hispanic guy with a curly mop of black hair and dark, humorous eyes that were twinkling with mischief.

I groaned. "What is with people and taking away the time we have for lunch? I need my bae." I whined and Aiden chuckled.

"Your presence has been requested in the principal's office." He said with exaggerated politeness. He added a deep bow for theatrics and I decided to play along.

"Rise peasant. What is your name?" I replied and he straightened up with a charming smile.  

"My name is Alejandro. Alejandro Cortez." He  said and then proceeded to take my hand and kiss the back of it.

"Okay. That's it. Break it up. I need a 5 feet space between you two right now. Move it." Aiden said as he pushed me behind him and pushed Alejandro away from me. We all burst into laughter at his overprotective nature and he grumbled while pushing me gently towards the direction of the principal's office.

The principal was this middle-aged man who was so bubbly and optimistic that I would not have been surprised if he puked rainbows. 

When we got out of that office, we both heaved a sigh of relief.

"God, If we had stayed there any longer, I might have torn my ears off. No one should be that cheery." I groaned and Aiden ruffled my hair with an amused smile. I stuck my tongue out at him and then reached up and ruffled his hair before turning on my tail and running away from him. He yelled out profanities as he chased me through the hallways. People looked on in amusement as we ran.

Suddenly, I crashed into someone's back and we both tumbled to the ground.

"What the hell!" The guy yelled as I ploughed into him and I scrambled up immediately.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I replied as I offered him my hand which he accepted and I pulled him up.

"Only you wouldn't see where you are going when you are running." Came the voice behind me and I rolled my eyes.

The guy in front of me chuckled as he looked up and both our eyes grew wide simultaneously.

"What. The. Fudge."

"What. The. Fudge."

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