Chapter 7: What is this?

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When I woke up next, I found myself in the same room I had been in before. Only this time all of my brothers were spread out all through the room. Aiden and James were on either side of me. I mentally snickered when I thought about their overprotective reaction when I had fainted. Samuel, Damian and Sebastian were passed out on the couch. The rest were laying on the floor. I felt bad. I also wanted to know what the hell had happened.

But me being me I let them sleep out of the goodness of my heart. Also for the purpose of fulfilling my prank. I snuck out of the room and ran lightly to the kitchen. I rooted through the cabinets till I found the red cups I had been searching for. I grinned as I began the tedious work of filling them up and surrounding all the boys with them. They would kill me but some things were always worth it.

I finished this in about an hour during which time a couple of them had moved, scaring me into thinking that they had woken up, before getting my camera and setting it up in the corner of the room and then going downstairs to the kitchen. I got a cup of coffee and waited for the tell-tale sounds of my plan working like a charm. It was not long before the someone screamed and a lot of curses were hurled and there was the sound of things being knocked down. I started laughing when I heard shouts and threats being shouted. I heard what seemed like a herd of elephants. All my brothers ran into the kitchen and stood there at the entrance. I laughed at their completely soaked look and almost fell out of the chair laughing. They growled. Like actually growled and I finally stopped laughing though with a tremendous effort. I backed up as they stalked forward and then turned on my tail and ran, screaming bloody murder as they chased me shouting about the different ways in which they would make me suffer. I ran, laughing at the top of my eyes, spotting a set of glass doors that seemed to lead to the backyard.

I wrenched them open and ran out. I spotted a hose pipe and ran towards towards them. I looked back at them and saw the sprinklers turn on at the very moment and smirked when I saw them stumble and cuss. I ran over to the tap and turned it on and aimed it at the boys who realised what I was doing a little too late. Those in front got a mouth full of water as I moved the hose over them. I felt someone grab me from behind and I yelped as the hose fell from grip and I screamed and tried to make myself a smaller target but they had no mercy. I was completely drenched by the ice-cold water. I shrieked as the water touched my skin and the person holding me laughed. I twisted and froze.

This was not one of my brothers. My brothers did not have warm and laughing brown eyes. They definitely did not look like they stepped out of a freaking modelling catalogue. Sure, my brothers would be described as 'hot' by other girls but honestly they looked only eh. Everyone stopped fooling around for a minute as they saw that I had stopped moving around and struggling.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked bluntly and he raised an eyebrow at my bluntness.

"I could be asking you the same question but blue eyes and the same features? I am going to assume that you are a Garcia." He replied with an amused smile.

"Well, you know who I am. Now, tell me who you are?" I demanded as I got out of his arms.

"This is my best friend, Javier. Javier this is my sister, Alexis." Jayden introduced and we shook hands solemnly. Everyone else chuckled at our antics.

"What was going on when I came in? I just decided to join in on the fun." He asked and my brothers turned to me, once again furious though there was an undercurrent of amusement.

"Okay, how about a truce?" I asked, nervously eyeing the hose in Aiden's arms.

"But why? Now we have all the power." as soon as the words left his mouth, I was completely drenched. The rest of the morning was spent in a water fight at the end of which everyone was sore, drenched, winded and hungry. 

"Lexyyyyy, please make that thing you make that we really like." James whined and I rose my eyebrow at him. He pouted and I groaned, he knew I could not resist his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I muttered and Aiden and James cheered while the others looked on, extremely confused. I grabbed Damian's hand and pulled him to the kitchen. I am pretty sure the rest of them would just aid in burning down the kitchen.

I thought about it a little and decided to make Vegetarian Enchiladas. Yes, screw me, I am vegetarian. I can't even go near meat.

Damian's eyes lit up when I told him what I was making and he set about making the preparations for the dish. Making the dish gave me time to think.

Some people might wonder about the fact that I was taking this so calmly. I wasn't freaking out about the fact that I had more family members. But the thing is that you cannot not believe them because of the extremely similar looks that we share. Also, a tiny part of me hopes for a better family than mom. How sad to be related to that useless woman. Also, in the conversation I overheard between my mother and him, I heard her mention 'second youngest son' which meant that I definitely had more brothers. Just not sure how many.

We made the amazing food that is Enchiladas and by the time we were done, all the boys had migrated to the kitchen and were watching the pan with hungry looks in their eyes. I laughed when I caught a couple of them practically drooling over it. 

We dug into the delicious meal and the rest of them complimented my skills and I just waved it off with a laugh. The meal left everyone happy and content. We decided to watch a movie in the theatre room and I ended up  coaxing them into letting me choose the movie. They grumbled at first but finally relented when I pulled the 'youngest baby sister' and the ultimate puppy-dog face, making Jayden groan and letting me choose the movie. I chose Sherlock and half of them made sounds of agreement as we settled into the couches, with me ending up between Samuel and Damian. I leaned against Damian and put my legs up on Samuel's lap and they both looked down at me, amused and I just shrugged and gave them an angelic look. They chuckled but didn't do anything to move me, so I took that as a sign to snuggle into Damian's who is really the best cuddle-buddy. Like ever. We had just turned on the movie when Samuel excused himself and practically ran out of the room. I frowned but didn't say anything about his odd behaviour. It seems like the others are used to this because they didn't even bat an eye. In fact, they had placed bets on how much time he would be there.  

"What is going on? Who is this?" A voice asked and I looked up as all the boys stiffened. I met a pair of the same cerulean blue eyes as mine. The man in front of me took a sharp breath.

"What is this?" He asked sharply.


I have no excuse for posting late. Except that I had an exam. I'm so sorry!

Also there is a chance I will be posting less frequently because I'm not getting enough time to type up the chapters. Maybe once in three days?

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