Chapter 9: Banned From Target

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As soon as we entered the mall, I zeroed in on our first victim. Andre caught my look and grinned. We headed to the fountain in the middle of the huge place and sat down on either side of a middle aged woman on her phone. We stared at her, saying nothing as we waited. She succeeded in ignoring us for a few minutes but kept looking around uncomfortably. After about 7 minutes she gave up and got up, stiffly walking away, not giving us a second look. Andre and I dissolved into laughter and I got an amazing idea. When Andre was laughing, I snuck closer to him and as soon as I saw that he was caught off guard, I pushed him hard. He yelled out in surprise as he crashed right into the water in the fountain. I started laughing harder as he tried to get up and ended up slipping again and landed on his butt. His eye twitched as he looked at me, clambering out of the fountain. Before I could even blink, he had gathered me in his arms, drenching me completely. I shrieked and thrashed as his cold skin came in contact with mine, but he did not let me out of his hold. When he finally let me go, we were both wet and extremely cold, so we decided to buy some clothes and change. 

We left the stores with our wet clothes in a bag as we talked and laughed about trivial things, for once not having to watch my back. While we were walking, I heard someone call out for Andre making us both turn around. A few boys and a girl were hurrying towards us, their gazes curious as they roved over me. 

"Hey man." The guys said as they performed the universally known 'bro hug'. They looked at me curiously as the girl stepped forward and hugged him. If I had not been observing Andre, I would not have noticed the stiffness of his shoulders nor the awkward way he hugged her back. I smirked internally when she glared at me from behind his back. 

"Who's the chick?" One of the guys asked and I focused on him. He had blonde hair and twinkling forest green eyes. I decided to rile Andre up gave the new guy a small flirty smile and he smirked a bit and he stepped closer to me. Andre shook his head in disbelief and stepped between us pushing us away from each other. 

"No. Absolutely not. Anyone but my sister, dammit. I need 5 feet of space between you and boys at all time." He instructed as he pushed me and blondie away from each other and stationed himself between us. I laughed at his overprotective nature, remembering a very similar situation with Aiden a couple of days ago and the others shot him amused looks.

"Who are you? I don't think I have ever seen you around before." One of the other guys in the group asked me.

"Guys, this is my twin, Alexis. Alexis these are my best friends. That's Jaxon." He said pointing to the blonde who flashed me a flirty grin. "That's his twin, Jacob." He continued, pointing to the brown haired guy who had the same eyes as Jaxon. He flashed me a shy smile and waved. I grinned back at him. "That is their sister, Raine." He indicated the girl who had been glaring daggers at me. He introduced the rest of them but after Raine I had tuned everyone else out.

"Hello everyone. Andre, Tengo una idea." I said and he raised an eyebrow. It was kind of rude of me to ignore the others but I don't trust them. Especially the blonde bimbo that was currently plotting my death by the way she was staring at me.

"What is it?" He asked me with the trademark Garcia smirk that all my brothers seemed to sport.

I explained the plan to him while everyone else was listening. They grinned when I finished explaining the plan.

"You are a true Garcia, all right." Jacob said as he shook his head with a rueful smile. I winked cheekily at him and he turned beet red.

We proceeded to put our plan into action. We walked into a random clothing store and walked up to the manikin and started talking to it very loudly. The others were trying to keep in their laughter and were failing miserably. One of the store attendants looked at us with a hidden smile before politely escorting us out of the store, as we laughed hysterically.

We decided to go to Target next and decided to act out the famous Titanic scene, because why not. Andre and I went first and then it was Jaxon and me and then Raine and Andre. Andre almost pulled his hair out when Raine insisted on doing it with him but we had a lot of fun. Till we were kicked out and banned from the store.

We went home laughing and I was surprised to see that the guys were following. We parked in the garage and I saw my baby parked at the end. I squealed and jumped out of the car and I saw the car already unlocked and the keys in the ignition. I grinned. Aiden knew me so well. I slid into the driver's seat and waved to a dumbfounded Andre who stared at me as I peeled out of the garage. I waved goodbye as I went on the best drive of my life. It was exhilarating. I went way past the speed limit but I didn't care. This gave me the high I needed in life. That's why I did street racing sometimes. This made me feel alive.  

I was out driving for at least 2 hours when I turned on my phone and the influx of messages and calls made my eyes widen. There were at least a hundred calls from my family and a few from unknown numbers along with at least half a thousand texts. I made my way back home and found everyone waiting for me in front of the house, pacing back and forth. I got out of the car and was immediately engulfed in bone crushing hugs from everyone. Aiden gave me a grin. He knew that I had needed this. To clear my thoughts and to feel free after a long time.

Everything was perfect right now. Who knew that the world was going to be flipped upside down in the next 24 hours.

I love being on the other side of cliffhangers. It's so much fun.

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