day 17- poison

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Marinette frowned. "You sure, Aunt Ivy?"

The green-skinned woman waved her hand. "Positive. This lipstick only causes temporary paralysis. No death whatsoever. It'll help you get away from that model boy you were telling me about."

"Thank you!" Marinette hugs Ivy. "You're the best!"

The lipstick works like a charm.

The next time Chat Noir enters her room through the skylight (by snapping the lock, which she'll have to replace- again.), he does the usual spiel about Ladybug not returning his affections still, so he'll have to settle for his everyday Ladybug instead. Marinette resists the urge to roll her eyes. What kind of messed-up logic is that?

He demands that she kiss him, so Marinette stands on her toes and plants the shortest kiss she can on his cheek. Chat Noir instantly collapses, unable to move, and she smirks.

"My aunt Ivy says hello, you shitbag. Also, my boyfriend wishes to send you his regards in the form of bullets. He hasn't killed anyone in a while, but I think he'd be willing to make an exception."

Marinette easily picks up the limp body, climbs up onto her balcony, and throws him as far away as she can. She grins as he drops out of view some distance away. The miraculous suit will absorb the fall. He'll be fine.

Ladybug portals into Gotham for her weekly training session with the Bats.

"Hey Jason." She moves to give her boyfriend a quick peck on the lips, freezing when he goes limp. Dick quickly dashes in and catches him.

"Jay? Little Wing? What the fuck is wrong with him?"

Ladybird smiles sheepishly. "Ah, I forgot I was wearing the paralyzing lipstick Aunt Ivy gave me. It's only temporary though."

Dick sighs. "Okay. How long does it last?"

"Uh... Three hours."

"Great. Just great."

jasonette july 2020Where stories live. Discover now