day 20- gods au

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Jason, the protégé of the God of Destruction, Chaos, and Ill Luck, was completely and utterly fucked.

The girl passing by with Tikki, the Goddess of Creation, Order, and Luck was gorgeous. Her hair was the color of the night sky, and her blue eyes were the color of Themyscira's waters. She moved with a simple grace that had him staring, and oh wow he was staring. Maybe he should stop.

His mentor, Plagg, saw him watching the girl and cackled. "That's Marinette. She's Tikki's protégé. You'll be meeting her properly at the Graduation in two days' time."

Right. The Graduation, where their mentors would officially pass down one of their titles to their protégés. Jason was born with the attributes to take over Plagg's role one day, and the god would pass on his titles one by one as he got too old to manage them all.

"She's pretty, isn't she?" Plagg looked over at him, smirking. "You should think so. Tikki and I, we represent opposites. We balance each other out perfectly, and naturally, you and Marinette will too. Most of the time, it results in love. There are some cases where the relationship is platonic instead."

The world was all about balance. Every god or goddess had another who represented the opposite of what they stood for. Their relationship with the other would always be stronger, more unique than those with titles and ideas that did not match.

Jason's adopted sister, Cassandra, was the Goddess of the Moon. Her lover was the Sun Goddess, Stephanie, who was just as bright and cheerful as what she stood for. They were perfect for each other, and Jason couldn't be happier for them.

He had... a large family, to say the least.

Bruce, his adoptive father, was the God of Protection. If some of the others thought they had protective parents, well, Jason's family definitely had it worse.

Selina, Bruce's lover, was the Goddess of Thievery. Bruce didn't really seem to mind that his pockets would be empty after every single time they did the horizontal tango.

Alfred was a grandfather figure of sorts to the family. He was the God of Organization, and after taking in Bruce as a child when his parents died, decided to spend his life serving Bruce's family.

His eldest brother, Richard, or Dick, as he liked to be called, was the protégé of the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite. Dick was also graduating this year. His mentor, Aphrodite, was a bit vain, and thus delayed his graduation by refusing to acknowledge that she was getting too old for the role.

Tim was the third oldest brother, and studied under Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy. He had a brilliant mind and could constantly be found in Themyscira's vast library, wandering the aisles and picking out books to read.

Damian was the youngest out of them all. He was the protégé of Ares, the god of War. Damian was extremely proficient in battle with any weapon, and could only be matched by a few people, and had only ever lost to his mentor.

Yup. Jason thought fondly. Definitely have too many brothers. Cass is awesome though.

Thinking about his siblings only distracted him for a moment though. Jason found himself glancing back at Marinette's retreating form and suppressed a groan.

I am so fucked.

Jason entered the main hall dressed in clothes too fancy for his taste and feeling like an art exhibit, given how many people were staring at him. Like, yeah, he was graduating, but did they have to gape?

He immediately forgot all discomfort when Marinette strode into the hall, clad in a long ruby red dress with black accents that hugged her form in all the right spots. Her waist-length hair was free, flowing around her except for a small portion that was pinned to the top of her head with a red and gold hairpiece.

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