~.Chapter - 19.~

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Roaming around a forest near the edge of the village without any particular destination in her mind. Makaira has always been a calm and rational one but she felt confused why she didn't just ask Sasuke regarding what she saw but after what happened it felt like the ground was pulled from under feet. She had been so confident and sure of their relationship, she never minded anything, not the fangirl and neither their behaviour because she was so sure of herself but today made her think about her life, it has always been about Sasuke for her for as long as she could remember.

She sat down under the shade of a tree looking up at the sky wondering what should she do when she notices someone else flop down near her looking up at the clouds. "I see you've found the forest."

"What are you doing here, Shikamaru - kun?"

"This forest belongs to Nara clan, i usually come here to gt away from my mother's nagging. She is such a drag- i'm sorry" He apologized remebering about the Uchiha massacre.

"It's okay. I remember for much i used to find my mother troublesome when she was alive." Makaira said with a tiny smile on her face as she remembered all those times she would rant about her mother in her head cause she knew better than to say them out loud.

"Seriously? It's hard to imagine you being mad at someone. You're always so calm and collected. But I guess even you have your moments." He snorted out a laugh at the thought of little Makaira pouting and glaring at her mother. "Speaking of which, how is Sasuke? He didn't get hurt did he? Naruto didn't trouble him too much did he?"

Makaira frowned in confusion as she looking at him confused and wondering what is he talking about, "What do you mean? Did they get into a fight?" she questioned him.

"Yeah! We saw Naruto attacking Sasuke, we couldn't see what happened excatly but Sasuke was a bit weird when he came back out of the window. We couldn't see anything else since our sensei arrived. " He told her lazily.

Something clicked in her mind, she was so disspointed and angry at what she saw that she didn't even check his chakra signature and with what Shikamaru just told her, there were some questions that need answering. She jumped up to her feet suddenly filled up with energy she was lacking few moments ago and waved Shikamaru goodbye as she ran towards the direction of Ichiraku to find a certain blond-haired boy.

She halted in front of the shop as she heard the loud voice of Naruto exclaiming that it tastes amazing. She enters the shop in a stride and stopped beside Naruto, "Makaira-chan!! Are you here for the ramen as well?!" He shouted. "Not today! I wish to speak to you, Naruto-kun"

"Huh? Yes?"

"WHat happened between Sasuke and you? Today. I wish to know and please tell me the truth. It's important that I know." She said softly in a calm manner, she knew there is no point in being angry with him since he's used to anger.

"Ummm-" He seemed to hestiate

" Naruto-kun, I'm your friend. And I need to know because if something happened then I made a mistake today and would need to make up for it, please, tell me?" She pleaded to him softly.

The look on her face was gentle as was her voice, Naruto rarely hears someone speak to him in such kindness. Naruto lowered his head in shame as he told her what actually happened without leaving anything out. After he was done he didn't raise his head to meet her eyes, thinking she'll not be his friend anymore but he felt a hand on head ruffing his hair. He looked up shocked at her, as she smiled at him.

"How about next time, you try to ask Sakura out as you instead of Sasuke. You need someone who likes you just the way you are, Right?"

"Yes! Believe it!!!"

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