Chapter Six Shopping

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Edited on 2/20/17

Chapter Six Bree's Pov

    Momma accidently walk into my while I was having one of the flashbacks I get. I didn't even know she was there till She started to shake me. She had asked a ton of questions after that so I told her a white lie. In reality I am part witch. Not just getting strange dreams and visions.

    Witches are supposed to keep the balance of nature. I'm not supposed to be both a cold one and a witch but for whatever reason I am. I'm not sure if it was the Original Witch who felt I would be able to handle being both or of I am part of some sort of prophecy.

    I'm brought out of my thoughts when Momma knocks on my door. She asks if I'm ready to go shopping. We leave and go to the mall.

    The first place we go is to Hollister. I go and look at the long sleeve shirts while she goes and looks at sweaters.

    They have a lot of different styles of shirts. Since I'm from Texas I try and find shirts that will show it. I find a very nice pink and white blouse. I also find a navy blue and white flannel shirt. I pick out a couple cute sweatshirts and jackets.

    I take what I picked out and go to a fitting room. I try on try on the pink and white blouse first. I like the way it looks but it feels to big. I want another oppion so I asks Momma.]

    "Momma, what do you think of this shirt? I don't think the size is right."

    "I think it looks great. Maybe try it a size smaller."

    "Okay, I think I will."

    I try on the rest of the clothes and get all of them. After we pay for the clothes, we go to Aeropostale. I get jeans and a few crop tops. The next place we go is Wet-Seal. I get a lot of dresses, a few tops, two pairs of overalls, and some skirts. Our final stop before going home is Nine West. I get several pairs of heels, boots, and slides. I end up leaving the mall with six big bags.

    We put everything in the car and drive home.

    "Sugar, when we get home, I want you to start packing. We will be leaving at one in the morning. I want to get to Forks by late morning."

    "Can I hunt first? Or are we goin' to drink blood bags?" I ask.

    "We can hunt after we pack. It's better to wait till dark."

    "Okay Momma. Are we driving to Forks?"

    "Yep, it would take to long to run with all the stuff we have to bring with us," she says popping the p in yep.

    We lap into a comfortable silence. We drive for another ten minutes before we get back to the house. I go straight to my room and pack with human speed.

    I change into a pair of overalls, a blue plaid shirt, and black flats. I put everything into boxes and take them downstairs to the family room. Momma is also putting her boxes in the room.

   "Hey Sugar, I just wanted to let you know that you will be going to Forks High. You are smart enough to skip to high school."

    "I'm going to high school? Cool!"

    I may only be thirteen, but I'm much smarter than one. So I will be able to handle high school.  

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