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kyungmi came home from work late at night, exhausted. her boss kept lecturing her about going out in the rain without any protection whatsoever and would not let her rest.

it was a hectic day at her job with many customers piling up, causing her to earn a headache that would not go away.

kyungmi began to undress herself, removing her long sleeve top and put on an oversized tee. that was when she noticed a tattoo in the shape of a cupid's bow and arrow on it, making her shriek.

"i dont remember getting a fucking tattoo!" she yelled out and began pacing around her room, trying to think of possibilities.

"maybe it happened when i got drunk.." she muttered and threw her head back in frustration.

"can you keep it down? i'm trying to sleep." her brother said as he entered her room, clearly tired. kyungmi quickly hid her wrist.

"sorry ty track i was just stressing. go back to sleep." she said, earning a glare from him because of what she called him.

"whatever." he said.

"goodnight to you too." as soon as he walked out, she began freaking out again, just quietly.

"where the hell did you come from." she said, pointing to the tattoo, not expecting a reply.

kyungmi sighed and laid herself on her bed, head overflowing with thoughts and possibilities, eventually drifting off to a deep sleep.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

jeno ran his hands through his hairs as he looked through all of his papers. he was regretting on choosing an office job but it paid well so he just had to deal with it.

he threw his papers on his table and let out a deep groan of frustration.

"investments investments investments. what fucking ever. i'll worry about it later." he said as he got up, leaving his office room and made his way to his room, hastily untying his tie and throwing it onto his bed.

he took off his button up and was about to put on a shirt when he realized he had a tattoo on his wrist in the same spot kyungmi had hers.

"what the hell." he muttered and examined it, seeing that it was a cupid's bow and arrow.

he furrowed his eyebrows, not recalling on ever getting a tattoo.

"how and when?" he asked himself, not being able to think of anything.

he rolled his eyes and continued changing into his sleep attire.

"hopefully i remember where it came from soon. i'll just cover it with concealer later."

he yawned and got himself situated into bed.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

there sat a man, shaking his head at the two who he was watching over.

"you two are gonna be a tricky couple.
let's see how well you'll handle this next thing."

he smiled to himself, imagining how they would react and perform to the next obstacle that would come their way.

"an interesting story will develop. i can feel it."

✓ not my baby! - lee jeno Where stories live. Discover now