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A few days have flown by. Those days which were the endless series of questions being thrown here and there to me and Ema.

To say the least, I was exhausted.

But, it's not like I can technically blame them for freaking out and asking so many questions.

Sighing to myself as I rose into a standing position from where I sat on my bed. It was not so early anymore, as I overslept a bit.

It was currently 11.30 in the morning, not quite afternoon just yet.

As I walk over my wardrobe to grab some clothes for the day—making sure to water my gifted-to-me plant and gave Luna her breakfast, making sure to leave my door slightly open for her to roam around the residence—I rushed to the bathroom to take a morning shower as usual.

Heading back to my room, I sat on the bed. Hair still dripping wet as a towel was hanging on my shoulder.

I checked my phone which has a few notifications. Mainly from my friends in London and a message from my manager, Rei.

"There's a photoshoot for a cosmetic brand today. Be at the studio at 12.30. Don't be late!" — Rei.

I cursed under my breath, slightly as I stood up drying my hair with the towel before grabbing my car keys and wallet with me.

I'm only wearing some sunglasses for disguise because I'm only going to the studio. And for obvious reasons, I don't wear any wigs today—unless they told him to while at the photoshoot.

Clutching my phone I ran to the elevator to stop by the living room.

As I arrived, only a few of the brothers are there. Ema, Yuuske, Iori, Fuuto, Subaru, and Wataru have all gone to school. As for Masaomi, he has gone to work I'm guessing.

Ukyo who just finished washing the dishes, approach the dining table and saw me running down the stairs.

"Ohayo Yuki-kun. Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked.

"Ohayo! I overslept and have a photoshoot in about an hour!" Rushing to the table for a quick breakfast.

At the table there is only  Kaname who was reading the newspaper and the twins who were busy chatting with each other.

"Ohayo, Otouto-kun" Kaname chirped in. As he put down his newspaper.

Ah yes. I've forgotten about this.

Another thing is I haven't been able to tell them I was a female.

They still mistake me as a male —not that I really care.

I mean yeah, biologically speaking I am a girl. But as Haruhi— who is my role model said "It's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than what sex they are". Sighing inwardly, 'I love that anime. Definitely need to rewatch that over this summer'

"What studio are you having your photoshoot at?" Asked Tsubaki.

The most bizzare thing happened. The day after I told everyone I am siblings with Ema and I'm actually here for Dad and Miwa-san's wedding, all of them—specifically Tsubaki change like a whole 180° in attitude. I mean, look at him! He bacame so friendly and kind to me! (not that I'm complaining about it).

It's nice honestly. They've become more open and genuinely try to get closer to me. Knowing me. For instance, a couple of days ago Iori gave me a bouquet of lilies as a late welcome to the family present. It just so happen that my favourite flower were Lilies. How did he know or is it just a coincidence, I don't know. But, the fact that he gave me that is a sign that he came to accepted me and I'm forever grateful for that fact.

The only other brother—besides the ones that I haven't met yet—that was still awkward with me is Subaru.

Even so, he have shown me that he didn't hate me completely like before. Like, yesterday night I forgot to take my laundry from where its hanging on the rack outside. There was a thunderstorm late that night. As I panicked and rushed to the balcony where I dry my clothes, I saw all of my clothes—dry and folded neatly on top of the washing machine—instead of it being wet by the rain.

I looked around to see who had saved my clothes from the thundering rain when I saw a mop of greyish blue hair around the corner, ears red and he seems to be in a hurry. Just as he was about to turned around the corner he glanced at me to see me already looking at him. I mouthed at him "Did you do this?" Gesturing at my dry clothes in my hands. He blushed and took off running.

Bewildered, I just chuckled and make an effort to grab the rest of my clothes and slowly make it to my room. Thankfully, it seems that he thought my undergarments were Ema's and just placed it in a separate basket on top of the washing machine.

After that little encounter I never really saw him afterwards. Only ever did when we're eating and that usually is never long since he always hastily wolf down his food and quickly took off somewhere else.

I have a feeling he's doing that in order to avoid me. Funny thing is I sometimes noticed him looking or glancing at me in between meals or just when we happen to be in the same room or corridor. Weird. It's like he wanted to talk to me but couldn't or didn't have the chance to considering I was always surrounded by the others—asking me questions about, yep! you guessed it. Me and Ema.

Sighing as I finished my breakfast.

Standing up and putting away the plates and utensils in the sink I started making my back to the table. Still wearing sunglasses even though we're still indoors.

"It's at Starlight studio in Harajuku. Do you know it?" I asked as I grab a candy at the table and plop it in my mouth. Cherry. Sweet!

"Really? We also have a recording there today!! What are the coincidence!" Exclaimed Tsubaki, excited.

"Really?" I quirked an eyebrow.

Azusa nodded in response, "In about an hour or two, for a new anime series"

Already knowing they work as voice actors since we were first introduced to each other, I wasn't at all surprised.

Smiling, "Want to come with me? We could go together with my car"

I swear I saw their eyes brightened at my offer as they nodded eagerly, standing up from their chairs.

"Well, let's go then or else we're gonna be late!" As we rushed to the elevator to get to the basement after waving our goodbyes to Ukyo and Kaname.


◆️○️ To be Continued ○️◆️


A/N: Sorry, this was just a filler chap. I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic. Don't forget to comment and vote! I always appreciate and read the comments you guys leave. Thank You and wait for the next update! ヾ(・ω・。)シ

 Thank You and wait for the next update! ヾ(・ω・。)シ

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