Family Problems

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Evelline undid the force she put on the door, and opened it.

Everyone in the room was making a circle in the middle of it, there was something going on in the middle, the two brothers ran over there, and saw a scene that did not please at all.

Their mother and father were arguing, they were separated, because the father was a very authoritarian and greedy man. He is called Willard, and he was a man of good stature, tall, strong, gray hair and also very neat and a beard, in terms of appearance, he and Jack were very similar.

- Willard, I already told you to go. - said Madam Olinda.

- THIS IS MY FAMILY TOO, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HERE! - Willard spoke screaming.

When he saw Evelline and Jack, he said:

- Ah! My beloved children! Come here. - He walked towards them, and hugged Evelline, who was trying to push him away, with disgust.

The only thing Jack and Evelline agreed on was that their father was a charlatan, and neither of them liked him.

- Willard, I think it's time for you to go. - Jack said, pulling him by the shoulder and pulling him away from Evelline.

- Jack, my eldest son! You have become someone so famous today, what a pride!

Jack led him to the elevator, and the man resisted a lot, until Jack released him, and he turned and asked:

- Okay, at least a little money then.

- What boldness! You still have the grace to come here and ask for something! - said Madam Olinda.

- I'm warning you Olinda, your days are numbered. - said Willard.

And Jack got tired of it, and pushed him into the elevator, and went down with him, Evelline hugged her mother.

In the elevator, they went down all forty-one floors, with Willard trying to persuade his son to come back.

- You don't get tired of causing problems, do you?

- My son, you know that I have the right to be here, I am your father!

- You abandoned us because we had become poor, and today that we have recovered all our wealth, do you come back saying that you're MY father?

- It was a mistake, I recognize, but now I want to change things!

- A little late for that, Willard.

And when the elevator door opened, Jack dragged him to the door, and put him outside, and Willard tried to punch his son in the face, which was an unwise idea, and his hand broke as soon as he touched his face.

The man moaned in pain, and in revenge, spat in Jack's face, who coldly wiped his spittle with his hand, entered, and locked the door. And Willard stood outside, cursing and shouting threats at anyone who could hear.

Jack returned to the 41st floor, everyone was a little tense, including Olinda, who was drinking sugar water, trying to calm down, Evelline was beside her, massaging her shoulders, and trying to calm her down. Jack approached her, bent down, and said he had thrown him out. It made her relax a little.

A while later, the guests were leaving, Evelline and Jack said goodbye to everyone, while Olinda was lying on the couch, resting a little.

- It seems that his presence really moves with all of you, doesn't it? - Hillary said, approaching Jack, who was at the kitchen counter drinking some wine.

And he just pretended he didn't hear what she said.

- Hey! Are you listening? - she insisted.

- The last time I heard you, I ended up on a balcony with my sister filling my patience.

- It was her request, in fact, you are brothers, you should understand each other soon.

- Everything is so simple for you, isn't it?

- And why wouldn't be? I'm not a Piwbrins.

And she walks back to the room.

Evelline arrives in the kitchen next, and looks at Jack, and he tries to simply turn away and leave, but she grabs him by the arm.

- Are you seeing? We need to unite, there are enough fights around here.

- Get off me, Evelline.

- We can't run away from who we are, brother...

- And who are we? Grandchildren of a liar?

- Don't talk about her like that.

- Please, stay away from me Evelline... Glad you came back, good for you. I don't care, just don't get me into anything.

And Jack released his arm and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Evelline there, alone.

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