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Jack was reading all the account transactions, and having a soothing tea.

The company Marlon called had already fixed the roof, and now he was cleaning up the rest of the mess that had remained.

Jack carefully read each line of the schedule, and realizes that there are really many billion dollars deviations from Piwbrins Industries' accounts, and wonders exactly what that means.

Until he hears a bell ring, and as Marlon was still busy, and he was still embarrassed by what happened, he decides to give Marlon a helping hand and will answer. When he opens the door, Hillary Duff greets him:

- Nice apartment huh!

- What do you want here? - he asked with disgust.

- I want to give you a hand.

And she pushes the door, and enters.

- How much should I charge in your home invasion process?

- Nothing. After you see what I brought.

And she opened her bag, and took out a huge form, and handed it to Jack.

- What is it?

- All details of illicit transactions, including all dates, who did it, where it was done, and where it was sent to.

Jack wasted no time, and opened it to read, but Hillary interrupted him, saying:

- Today is the second phase of the tournament, don't you think you should prepare?

- I always win this, why am I going to bother?

- "Training", huh? - said Hillary.

- Come on, we still have time, I want to know as soon as possible who is doing this and everything.

And the two started looking through those files and documents from top to bottom, behind the responsible and where all that money had been sent, Marlon also joined them after finishing cleaning Jack's room, and they stayed there, for quite a while time. And after putting together a lot, they were close to a concrete test, but they needed to stop, because the tournament time had come, and Jack needed to prepare.

- We will stay here Jack, to try to achieve something more consistent in this case. - said Marlon.

- Yeah! Good luck there. - Hillary agreed.

- I won't be that long. - said Jack, a little smugly.

And his driver was ready at the door, waiting for Jack, and he went with him.

Everything was very agitated in the city once again, all that movement and excitement of people eager to see the Titanium Wall in action. Jack was already used to it, but that day, he wanted to finish everything quickly to get back to his investigation.

Hillary and Marlon were at his house, still studying as possibilities, and trying to understand what could be happening, and recap what they already knew until then:

- All money was invested in an institute to support children with degenerative diseases. This action was given as a charity gesture by Piwbrins Industries, despite being illegal. - explained Marlon.

- Which does not change the fact that this money is misappropriated. Besides, he never got to charity, but was sent elsewhere.

- There is no exact name here, but putting all the clues together, with a little more luck, you can reach one... MY GOD! - Marlon choked slightly.

- What is it?

- I-It... It can't be!

- Marlon?

Meanwhile, Jack prepares himself in the locker room, puts on his combat shorts and ties his gloves, dismisses the tooth protector, as usual, and when he is going to stand up, ready to go out, a man entered the locker room, Jack stares at him, a little suspiciously.

- Are you Jack Piwbrins?

- Who's asking?

And the man holds out a bottle of water to him.

- What is it?

- The board told me to give you this, you will need it.

Still very suspicious, Jack ends up accepting the water, despite never having seen the man there, not to mention, that Jack did not worry about any kind of poison or things like that, since he was immune, and never got sick, no substance chemistry has never succeeded in harming him.

- Good fight there, and try not to hit them too hard huh. - said the man, turning on his back, and very suspicious.

Without further ado, the Titanium Wall enters the stadium, this one was much bigger than the previous one, there were many cameras, reporters and fans. Jack came in waving to everyone, and the judge announced his entrance to everyone:


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