chapter twelve

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"Please, Ibrahim."

"I don't understand what's the big deal? Let them talk. Why'd you care?" Ibrahim tried his best to calm down and not snap at his wife, who was adamant about hiding their marriage from the office and now, she wants to get down a few blocks away just so that people won't notice they came in the same car.

"I know, I shouldn't. But I hate getting all the attention on me, and I don't want to be treated any different just because I'm your wife. Please stop the car here, I can walk. Its just a few blocks away." Mawra sighed, making him frown at her.

"Are you hearing yourself? Its so ridiculous, Mawra. We should let them know and if they have that much problem, its not our business. You're here to work, not to please those dimwits." Ibrahim finally snapped when he couldn't control the anger, she flinched a little bit.

"Please stop the car." Mawra hated the fact that after the beautiful breakfast they just had in a nearby hotel, they're having an argument. Their first argument after marriage.

"You're so stubborn." he sighed dejectedly while stopping the car in a corner, Mawra got down at the first chance she got and before she could even open her mouth, he started driving ahead making her very aware of how mad he was.

"Great." kicking the stone that was on her way, she walked ahead with a sour mood. Mawra had no one but herself to blame for this little fight. But she was still adamant about hiding their marriage from the public. Their marriage is none of anyone's business and she liked it that way.

"Hey!" She paused at that familiar voice, faking a smile on her face she mumbled, "hi, Adnan. What are you doing here?" He stopped his car just to talk with her, irking Mawra again. Why can't people mind their own damn business she wondered with a frown which she soon replaced with a smile, a fake one at that.

"Going to office, of course. What are you doing here?" Adnan raised his brows in confusion, "where is your car? I mean, the office provides you, right?"

"It does, I'm walking for a change. We are getting late, we should go." She replied trying her level best to not get irritated, he was just being friendly. But her mood was already spoiled and Adnan is only making it worse by not minding his own business.

"Hop in then, I'll drop you." Her eyes widened at his words, "no. Its alright. I can walk."

"What type of friend will I be if I let you walk like this? Just hop in, I'm going to the same place anyway." Adnan was as adamant as her. She knew her friend.

Ya Allah! What is this... Mawra groaned mentally.

"I'm not leaving without you. Don't bother arguing." Adnan stated with a grin, looking at her wristwatch almost gave her a panic attack. There were only five minutes left until the office hours begins and she is yet to reach the building. She hated being late. Talking with this guy is only going to waste her time further, with a sigh she opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in. He victoriously smiled at her.

"How were your holidays?" He asked curiously whilst driving fast. He doesn't like being late as well. Punctuality was a good trait.

"It was good, a much-needed one." a small smile formed on her lips at that.

"You deserved it, I mean you work so much for our boss. Just so you know, he looked quite miserable without your assistance." Adnan chuckled, she nodded with a knowing smile.

"We are here." he pulled the car into the office parking lot, Mawra tried to open her door but it got stuck in between, "don't worry. I should give it for service, I'll open it from outside for you. That's the only way it works."

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