chapter twenty-two

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Ibrahim loved his mornings. Especially the ones where he gets to wake up with her in his arms. He was her accustomed cuddle bear and was happy to be one. Despite their silly little arguments and fights every now and then, they'd end up cuddling every single day and he absolutely loved being married to her.

But what he hated was the disturbances, which would interrupt their sleep so early in the morning. Groaning inwardly, he answered the annoying phone call only to be left speechless.

"Why the hell was your phone unreachable? If you think you can just run away without paying the loan, then you're a foolish lady, Ms Hussain. We can seize the house anytime we want. You do remember that right?" came a rude voice and Ibrahim was confused for a second as he blinked his eyes twice, and looked at the caller ID, which was saved as Bank manager. Long gone was his sleep, as he stared at his wife confusedly and then at the phone.

Taking off the quilt, he got down from the bed in just his boxers. "Hello?" Ibrahim whispered angrily, careful as to not wake her up. He was furious, how dare someone to speak in that tone with his wife?

Hearing a male voice instead of a female, the manager checked the number twice, "Who are you?" he asked.

"Mawra's husband," Ibrahim replied stiffly, as he eyed her, who was sleeping obliviously.

"Whatever! When is she paying the loan? She should stop being so damn late every single month. I have to take strict actions otherwise." the manager snapped, making Ibrahim frown.

Massaging his temples slowly, he asked, "Tell me who you are and how much she owes you?"

"I'm the AXY bank manager, your wife here took a house loan of 35 lacks two years ago and has to pay us back in instalments. For the past three months, she's been irregular in doing so. If this continues for another month, I have to take strict actions, I'm not joking." the manager snapped yet again, leaving Ibrahim in his thoughts for a moment. To say he was irritated would be an understatement. He can never tolerate someone talking with his wife this rudely.

"How much amount is left now?" the manager then explained to him in detail leaving Ibrahim stunned for a while as he realized Mawra has been paying her whole salary in paying the loan. How can a person be so selfless? The house wasn't even on her name, to begin with.

"Alright, I'll pay you the money by afternoon. Keep the documents ready," he replied whilst searching for his phone.

"What documents?"

"The house documents, I want you to prepare it while I transfer the remaining amount." Ibrahim frowned as he checked for new emails and messages.

"Are you high or what? How can you pay such a huge amount by afternoon? Do you think I'm a fool, Mr Whoever you are?"

"The name is Ibrahim Qureshi, I'm sure you must have heard of it. See you in the noon, don't forget the documents." Ibrahim hung up the call with a scowl on his face as he placed the phone back on the bedside table. But his face softened immediately when he saw his wife tilt in her sleep, while her hands traced on his side of the bed, probably searching his body, to snuggle into him. He couldn't stop himself from grinning at that sight.

"Where are you, Ibrahim?" came her sleepy voice, and his heart skipped a beat. Dressed in nothing but his shirt, Mawra looked absolutely breathtaking. His wife was a divine beauty and she only has to smile, he'll be a goner just for that.
She has the most alluring smile, which can melt any cold heart and turn them into softies, just like how she has changed him and made her special place in his heart.

Ibrahim was falling in love with her, fast and hard. His heart swooned at that thought.

Walking towards her, he joined her back on the bed, who shifted towards him automatically and clung onto his bare torso, hugging him tightly. Their bare legs entangled against each other as he pulled her onto him, while she laid her head on his chest; listening to his heartbeats.

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