chapter fourteen

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The rays of sunshine seeped in through the windows, birds chirped happily. It was a beautiful morning so far and Mawra pulled the curtains open with a huge smile on her face. She turned behind and saw her husband sleeping peacefully, snuggled inside the blanket. Well, not for long considering she has plans ahead.

"Off the stupid lights." Ibrahim pulled the blanket over his face as he groggily muttered those words, still in a sleepy mood. She chuckled to herself while walking towards their bed and sat on her side, without any more delay she pulled away the blanket exposing his face to bright sunlight. A frown etched on his handsome face right after she did that.

"What the?" he got up with annoyance and was ready to murder whoever it was, but his face softened automatically as soon as he saw his wife, laughing carefreely at his expense. She has never done that before, Mawra always was so conscious around him for whatever reasons and seeing her warm up to him made his heart skip a beat.

"I hate waking up early on a Sunday morning." he grumbled with a shake of his head and saw her chuckle, "I- uh, made some breakfast for you. I wanted you to try that. So, I'm not sorry." Mawra replied excitedly, anxious to know how the food has turned up. She has put on a lot of efforts this time.

Ibrahim only gave her a look. He clearly remembered Ahil warning him during one of the marriage functions about her cooking skills and all, "should I be worried?" He joked but the smile on her face was replaced with a frown.

"Who told you?" she asked with an icy glare, "doesn't matter. I'll taste it anyway. I really appreciate the fact that you've cooked for me. Although you didn't have to." Mawra couldn't fight away that smile. Ibrahim can be seriously so sweet sometimes. So different from the one she was used to in the office hours.

Ibrahim as a boss and Ibrahim as a family guy are two different persons and she is liking his latter version more and more these days.

"My mom taunted me to do it, saying its been twenty days and I haven't entered the kitchen except for washing my hands, but I did it because I wanted to." Mawra shrugged casually.

"I'll brush my teeth and come to the dining table." he grinned at her and walked into the bathroom, lazily. He really hates waking up early on Sunday mornings though.

"Great." Clapping her hands excitedly, she eagerly waited for him to come and taste her food. She really hoped that it was good. The past few years of hard work should really pay her this time, or so she hoped.

Five minutes passed, with her walking to and fro, anxiously waiting for him to taste the food. It wasn't just her mother's taunting but also her subconscious which wanted her to cook this breakfast for him.

Mawra cooked this, especially for his sake. She knew men appreciated good food and Ibrahim deserved to be spoiled for being very kind and understanding to her so far.
It was just a little token of love for the guy, who was working so hard in making her feel welcome at their home and made things a lot easier for her. She remembered how scared she was on the day of their nikkah.

But Ibrahim made it a lot easier. Ironic indeed.

The click of the doorknob brings her out of the daze.

"Let's go." Ibrahim came out of the bathroom and looked like he has washed his face and was so fresh and drool-worthy, Mawra had to remind herself to not gawk, so openly at least.

"You know, you can stare all you want. I'm your husband after all." Ibrahim winked teasingly, as they walked out of the room, together. Mawra paused on her steps and blushed hard, "stop blushing too much, it's fine. You have all rights to check me out." he linked their hands together and started waking ahead, whom she followed with her bright red cheeks. The stupid blush just makes its appearance all the time. Mawra had zero control in that regard, much to her husband's amusement.

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