Chapter 16

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Kokichi woke up yawning. It was the day after his whole discoverment.

He stared at where a window would usually be in his former room. He was only met with wall though. He missed the window. He found it funny. You never missed anything untill you didn't have it. You took everything for granted untill it was taken away from you.

Thinking negatively wouldn't help him at all. Instead, he should probaly got to the dining hall. It wasn't as if he was going to eat anything other than a Panta, but a feeling in him told him to go there. It was hard to decipher if that was a good or bad feeling. Whatever the case, he was going to go there.

Kokichi tidied himself up before heading out the door. With a small click, the door locked behind him.

With graceful steps, Kokichi exited the dormitory and headed to the dining hall. Surprisingly enough, he didn't encounter anyone on his way. He was grateful for that. He'd probably be called suspicious for every little thing he did, so heading to the dining hall when they knew he didn't eat much was sure to cause some suspicion.

The moment Kokichi opened the doors the dining hall, he was met with two awfully loud voices.

"Instant is way better, you fucktard!" A femine voice screamed. She seemed to be in the middle of an argument.

"I say it's not! It's not healthy at all!" A much deeper voice said in the same tone of hers. He seemed to be a part of the argument as well.

"Guys, how about we calm down...?" A voice which unmistakably belonged to Piano Tittes said, trying to calm down the arguing people.

"I will not calm down, flat chested bitch!" Miu turned on her for a split second before returning her attention back to the one she was arguing with.

"Yea, sorry Kaede. But this is a important argument." Kaito gave her a breif smile before hardening his expression as he turned to look at Miu. "Now, let's deal with this. Homemade ramen is much better."

"No it's not!" Miu said while crossing her arms.

Kokichi stood at the entrance, a very confused expression on his face. They were arguing about... ramen? What was wrong with these people?

"Of course it is! Nothing tastes better than a meal made with care and love!" Kaito said back, returning her haughty expression.

"Nope! Those take too long to make! Plus, they can taste absolutely disgusting." Miu spat back, a expression that said "obviously" on her face.

The others there were doing their best to ignore the two arguing students. Kokichi infered that they had been going at it for a while now. After all, they didn't seem to bothered by it, but bothered nonetheless. Maki was rolling her eyes at Kaito's behavior though.

"Well so?! Nice and steady wins the race, have you never heard that in your life? Of course not!" Kaito said smugly.

"I personally think that ramen noodles are better." Kokichi stepped in between the two arguing people, in doing so interrupting their argument. Miu's face lit up, and Kaito looked suprised.

"Ha! See!" She pointed a finger at Kaito. "Even the small abortion agrees with me!"

"What?! Well that's to be expected! Of course two terrible beings would agree on the same thing." Kaito looked salty.

Shuichi walked in at the moment. A look of suprise entered his face as he saw the situation. Kokichi skipped over to him, a smile on his face.

"What's up, Mr. Detective?" Kokichi smiled innocently, as if all the arguing had never occurred.

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