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That night I laid in bed thinking about how foolish my words were with Tewkesbury earlier.

But it was the last sentence he said that was a constant ring in my head.

He feels nervous around me too.

There were so many ways to interpret that, did I just scare him or did he like me? Do nerves equal infatuation? Does infatuation turn into love?

Was I in love with Tewkesbury?

I began to grow annoyed with myself.

Why was I worrying about any of this to begin with, I must've been hysterical.

It didn't matter to me if Tewkesbury liked me or not.

I would still be graduating in the next few months, no matter what Tewks and I's relationship was.

As the morning began to canopy the night, I grew more and more restless, soon to realize I had received no sleep.

In a state of exhaustion, I shuffled around my nightstand and my hand was met with a leather journal.

'Atonia Rowan'

date: august 4th, 1885

Ophelia, she is so bright already, it is astonishing. She is a true beauty, and with age im sure that she will become even more beautiful. She's so independent, a slightly more serious child than expected. I'm so excited to see what the future holds for her, what the world holds for her. I want her to grow up proud, proud of herself. I want her to be kind and gentle but strong as well.
My beautiful spring flower,
Atonia Rowan

I wiped a small tear from my eye and closed the journal softly. The one part of my mother that I had left was this book that they found in the wreckage at the fire. It was the last entry she had made before her passing. Some of the paper was burned and covered in soot but it didn't bother me.

I instantly regretted what I told Tewkesbury about my parents, guilt washed over me like a flood. My parents were beautiful and I should have never questioned that or stated otherwise.

I couldn't disappoint my mother by wasting my self potential when she thought so highly of me.

I sighed. Soon all of my thoughts vanished and my bedroom blurred into darkness.

"Ophelia, Ophelia."

I was awoken by a child screaming into my ear. "Ophelia, will you read to me?" Florence cried, her voice carried a lisp due to her two front teeth missing.

I growled.

"Can you not see that I am trying to sleep, don't be rude. Ask Lilia if you are that desperate." I huffed and closed my eyes again.

"But I did ask Lilia and Caterina," she sighed "they both told me no, as well as mother and father."

"Please Florence I will read to you later, I swear it." I rolled back onto my side, trying to least gain some rest before the day ahead.

 𝐎𝐇 𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 ; lord tewkesbury Where stories live. Discover now