Chapter 9 ~ Rendezvous

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We spent the next few hours talking on that staircase. I didn't know what we were now but I didn't care either. Mid-laugh, someone down below the staircase wearing a grey shirt and skinny jeans stole my attention. The familiarity killed me as I realised that it was Kendrick. Shit. He turned to look at the staircase and I swore his eyes flickered over me and Jake before he turned back around and followed his friends that I also recognised from training through the mansion. My smile died immediately and James followed my gaze as Kendrick left my sight.

"Do you know him?" Jake asked.

I snapped my head over to look at him.

"Kind of... He's my arch nemesis, the captain of the other team in our region and a conceited asshole, on field and off. Our teams have been training together for the past months to improve each other and build connections or something."

Jake nodded slowly and after a short pause we fell back into an easy conversation.

I checked my watch, it was past 12 and Jake and I had been sitting talking and making out on the staircase for a long time. We rolled into a comfortable silence, watching the party for a moment when a couple, desperately hooking up against the wall opposite, came into full view. Jake and I raised our eyebrows at each other. I watched them briefly when it struck me, it was two guys. One held the other pinned to the wall, their hands entangled in the other's hair. Black jeans peaked out underneath them and I realised it was Kendrick with someone. I looked over at Jake, who shared my surprised expression and then looked back at the guys. My confusion, though present, was put to the back of my mind when the guy I didn't know leaned down to suck on Kendrick's neck, exposing his face and confirming it was definitely Kendrick. Kendrick's eyes were squeezed shut, he was the image of pleasure, but they fluttered open briefly and searched around the space, catching mine for a moment that felt like forever before closing again. I looked down at my feet feeling conflicted and ashamed. When I looked up again, Kendrick's back was arched off the wall to kiss below the guy's ear. I let out a shaky breath as Kendrick's eyes opened again and made direct eye contact with me despite the darkened mood lighting. Was he doing that on purpose or was I crazy?
I ran my hand through my hair silently and looked away, until I couldn't stop myself. From the corner of my eye I knew Jake was watching me and James, switching his attention back and forth. Kendrick and his friend stopped rolling themselves into each other, and Kendrick leaned closer to him to whisper something in his ear. I followed his gaze as it travelled from the ground up to meet mine for a fourth time, this time he held it and I shuffled into my seat, feeling the need to run away and freeze at the same time.

I reluctantly turned away from Kendrick at the sound of James' voice.

"Max, I think he's trying to make you jealous. He likes you," James stated plainly, "I don't know how, but he made that look hot. His attractiveness is an honest skill."

I swallowed hard and shook my head, looking at the floor,"Or a weapon." I stated, before standing up "Do you want to walk me home?"

We walked through empty streets, guided by the moonlight. I wasn't sure what he was thinking and I was confused about where we stood. I didn't know what to say, but I desperately wanted him against my wall and in my bed. I could deal with the consequences in the morning.

When we reached my apartment block, I broke the silence, the lines I had prepared during the walk sounding foreign but dominant on my tongue.

"I want you to come up with me."

Jake's surprise painted on his face but he almost as instantly his composure returned and he nodded with certainty, "Sure."

He trailed behind me and the echo of our footsteps up the stairwell made the fourth floor feel like an eternity away. My keys fumbled in the lock, the hairs on my neck rising at the unchartered territory that laid between us.

I knew we were going to go too fast, but I didn't care. I wanted to risk it for once. For once.

Finally the door opened, I flicked on the kitchen lights and kicked off my shoes. Jake followed my lead. As soon as the door closed, I smashed my lips against his and pushed him against the kitchen counter. I pulled away and met his eyes, drinking in the erotic blush settled on his cheeks and his swelling rosy lips for a long second. He breathed a shaky "Yes," that spurred me to push my lower half against his thigh harder this time, and take off his shirt as his hands ran over my torso, then further, further and further. I needed more. And Jake wanted to give that to me. 

A/N - keep the skam comments rolling ladies xx

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