Chapter 8 ~ Max's POV

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Author's note: HIIII 

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I kept my feelings to myself in the lead up to our next training session. At school, Sammy and Ken shared knowing glances while Jake and I managed to stay looking like friends. We hadn't been alone together since Friday night, but we both agreed not to label anything yet. There was no pressure, and I felt safe with James.

I had decided that I needed a reason to distance myself from Kendrick during training. Over the past few months we had been bickering back and forth during drills and exercises, but since our conversation last Sunday... I just couldn't do it.

The teams were getting ready to head home after a really good training session. I took my chance to approach Kendrick for a private conversation and told him that it was best to distance ourselves. It was brief but a weight lifted off my shoulders and finally I could focus on the thing that brought me the purest form of joy; soccer.

I spent the next few months focusing intently on training... and when my Friday afternoons were free, I entangled myself in Jake's smooth skin and basked in the feeling of another boy's body against my own.

It was a Friday afternoon, lunchtime, Sammy and Ken and I sat underneath the shade of a fig tree in the school gardens. Jake was studying alone in the library, so it was just us three.

"So Maximilian, do you want to finally tell us what's going on between you and Jake?" Ken asked. I wasn't surprised, I had barely said anything about Jake since the party.

"I guess... Well you guys remember the party, and I left you guys to go and confess to Jake? That night we got together..."

Ken's eyes widened.

"Wow that was fast... So you guys had sex? That night?" Sammy's bluntness was unexpected.

"Aaaaaah... Not exactly... Kind of?" I replied, blushing.

"Come on Maxy, don't make us wait! Tell us everything!!" Ken exclaimed.

I chuckled.

"We started making out at the party, and then he came over to my place and we- yeah, did that. And then he met my mum, who came home from her night shift at like 6:30am-"
"You made him leave at 6:30am? Wow Max, I didn't think you were such a fuck boy," Sammy interrupted me with his joke. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways. We've been hooking up quite a lot since... Exclusively, I mean. But we haven't really talked about it, whenever we're alone together, there's no time for talking."

Sammy and Ken nodded plainly.

"So you guys are fuck buddies?" Ken clarified in a disapproving tone.

"Why are you giving me that look Ken?" I didn't need to answer his question.

He didn't reply to mine so I continued.

"For two people who have had a lot of non-comittal sex, you sure don't seem very accepting of me and Jake." I said. I knew I was being defensive but I desperately wanted them to tell me that they approved of Jake and I.

"It's just... You're right, we've all hooked up a lot. But with fuck-buddies... It never ends well. Something is going to end up broken, whether it's the friendship or the relationship or your heart or his, you never know." Sammy spoke for Ken.

Their disapproval made a lot more sense now. I knew there was a risk.

"You should talk to Jake, make sure you're on the same page. Do you want to be his boyfriend?" Ken asked.

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