Chapter 4 ~ Feelings

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The guy was so gorgeous it actually killed me inside. Water dripped down his torso and the light caught on his tanned abs. His wet hair stuck to the sides of his heart-shaped face and it hurt to keep my eyes on his. I curled my fingernails into my hands to stop myself from glancing down to where I knew his towel hung loosely over his curved hips.

I was gone. He was perfect.

But I couldn't think about him like that. It was wrong. James Kendrick was my arch-enemy on the glittering green field that I called my home. I just couldn't entertain it.

I felt my panicked face become a scowl, I had to focus on the task at hand. I needed to talk to Kendrick, and then I needed to get the hell out of here before I lost my self-control.

I finally adjusted myself to reality and was about to speak when I saw James Kendrick giving me the slowest once-over I've ever experienced. This was torture... What the fuck was he doing?

I called him out. He was analysing my body like a painting. And denied it.

It was the first time we had spoken in three years, but I was already infuriated. With him, or with my struggling capability to stay composed around the guy, I wasn't sure.

"You have a nice voice. Demanding, but nice." He shoved his bare shoulder into mine and it knocked the wind out of my lungs. I took three shaky breaths as I finally got a grip on my emotions and went to wait for James Kendrick outside.

James Kendrick was positively irritating. He lit a fire in my stomach that I struggled to stop from spreading lower.

James' cheeks, naturally tinged pink and his parted lips as he tried to interpret my emotions was overwhelming.

I didn't dare to break my blank expression and cold eye contact, while his dark green eyes travelled around my face and body in a way that made me want to squirm. "James." I spoke coldly and it grasped his attention briefly.

"That's Kendrick to you, Maximillian." He smirked back. Flirtatiously almost.

I finally took the moment to sigh in frustration and then establish the truce.

James invaded my personal space, the only thing that helped me keep myself present.

"But I'm sensing an ulterior motive. Is this just an easy way for you to feel like you don't have to one-up me all the time?" James announced in an accusing tone.

I was brought back to earth by the truth of his statement. He saw right through me. No one ever saw through me like that, and it scared me. I was speechless and ashamed of myself.

"Come on, Milten. I mean you could just try harder. I guess you're already one step ahead of me with your mama's boy act huh," James spoke again.

He wasn't wrong. The coaches and parents thought I was an angel. I was definitely the most likeable team player in regionals. Nevertheless, the statement bothered me and I scowled.

"Fuck off. And seriously stop looking at me like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied subtly.

I raised my eyebrow and waited for a more insightful response.

"I'll take you up on your deal. I won't talk to you, and we'll play nice during training."

Finally, I could go.

I saw the familiar blue of my mum's honda in the corner of my eye, and took my leave.

I grabbed my gear off the bench and walked off, my eyes intently focused on the ground.

Shit. A warm, hard body slammed full-force into me, and instinctively I grasped Kendrick's slim back to stop him from falling.

"Shit, sorry, umm I wasn't paying attention..." I apologised awkwardly.

I was embarrassed as hell, and forced myself to meet his eyes and lost myself in his gorgeous face in the early evening sunlight.

If he was anyone else... And if I was anyone else... Only if...

I said something but I don't remember what, and stumbled off to the car.

I slammed the door shut, and my mum looked up from her phone. Her maternal intuition instantly kicked in from one glance at my posture.

"Max honey... Who is that boy? Are you feeling okay?"

How did she even do that? She literally was looking at her phone.

I looked through the windscreen and James was sat on the bench, biting his lip and running a hand through his hair. I could tell he didn't think anyone was watching, because his face reflected confusion. He never looked confused, he never showed anything.

After a long pause I replied, "I... I'm just confused at the moment. I think I have feelings for... I don't know." I tried, then repeated hopelessely "I don't know "

My beautiful mother took her eyes off the road for a brief second to send a caring glance in my direction. "It's okay Max. Things can be confusing sometimes. If you need to talk about it, I'm here."

My mood lightened at her genuine mothering. I might be 17 but that didn't mean my mum wasn't still my best friend. I let out a little chuckle and smiled to show her my appreciation.

"Thanks mum. But I think for this one I'm on my own."

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