Chapter Nineteen - The Problem With Handcuffs

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Reece's POV


"Okay. Please just try to use one hand, alright? I hate this." Layla mutters, and I chuckle quietly, bending down to her height. I gently take her face in my hands and tilt her head up so she meets my eyes.

"Don't stress, Sunshine. One hand only, okay?" I reassure her, lightly brushing my thumbs over her cheeks.

She nods and lets out a sigh, "Let's get this over with."

I chuckle and step through the door, pulling her arm through just enough for me to be able to stand in front of the toilet before shutting the door not quite all the way so her arm is peeking through. I hear Layla huff as she faces into the other room. Shaking my head, I quickly do my business and flush the toilet.

"Alright," I mutter, and she opens the door, stepping in so I can walk to the sink and wash my hands. After I've dried them, she smiles and pushes me out of the room.

"My turn."


"I checked every drawer, cupboard, cabinet and container in my kitchen," Liam announces, walking into the living room, "And they were in none of them."

"We checked the whole living room and the entrance way, we couldn't find them either," Layla tells him.

"We also checked any rooms upstairs that would have been unlocked last night, and they aren't in there either," I agree, attempting to fold my arms before remembering that Layla and I are still in handcuffs and opting to let my arms hang at my sides instead.

"I checked in the front yard, the backyard, the shed and the garage," Anna mutters, collapsing onto the couch, "Nada."

Layla lets out a sigh, flopping down on the couch beside Anna and consequently tugging me along to stand next to her. She smiles up at me sheepishly, but I give her a reassuring smile. I'm used to it by now. "This is hopeless," She mutters, "We'll never find the keys to these things," She jingles the handcuffs for effect.

"I guess our plan worked then," I mumble, massaging my temple with my free hand. "A little too well maybe."

"Are you sure you guys can't remember where you hid them?" Anna asks, looking between Layla and me.

We both shake our heads and I reply, "If we could, we wouldn't still be handcuffed."

A sudden ringing makes me jump and Layla curses under her breath, digging her phone out of her pocket and answering the call, putting the phone to her ear. "Hey, Mom."

I wince, knowing this can't be good. Neither of our parents will be happy that Layla and I are handcuffed together. We need to find the keys before we head home.

"Yeah... I don't know when I'll be home, I shouldn't be too long hopefully... You're going out?" She looks up at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. "Yeah, I'll be home in time to look after Bella... Where will Dad be?" She waits a moment before grinning, "He's going out too? Right, Jim's birthday... Yeah, what time will you guys be home? It will be late? Okay, yeah... I might be back a little after you go, but Bella can go to... Oh, she's at Claire's now, okay, I'll call her when I get home. Alright, bye."

She lets out a breath, hanging up and setting her phone down beside her. She then looks up at me, "Okay, this might work. My parents are going out, so if we can't find the keys before we leave, you can stay at mine tonight. They'll be home late, so hopefully we can head out before they wake up and come back here to keep looking for the keys. After that... if we can't find them we'll just have to tell both our parents."

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