Chapter Twenty - Comforted By The Bad Boy

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Layla's POV


"Alright, just- hold still. I don't want to cut you by accident." I instruct Reece, standing before him with a pair of scissors in my hand as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He questions, staring at the scissors as I bring them up to his shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," He replies without hesitation.

I smile, "Good."

We decided it would be best to try getting out of these costumes after we have dinner, so we ordered pizza and now we're here. There's no way Reece will be able to get his shirt off without cutting it. But that's alright because it's just a cheap costume that he'll probably never use again anyway.

I bring the scissors up to the collar of his shirt and carefully begin cutting through the cheap fabric. I cut down the seam along the top of his shoulder until the shirt stops at his upper arm.

"There," I finish, standing back and placing the scissors down on my desk, "Now you just have to unbutton your shirt."

"Thanks, Sunshine," Reece murmurs, reaching up to start unbuttoning his shirt, "But what about you?"

"Well, the only part of this which is actually a costume, is the pants which I can take off. This is just a tank top... so I guess I'll just have to stay in this until we get these handcuffs off." I explain with a shrug.

He nods, shrugging off his shirt, leaving him shirtless. He looks down at himself for a second before asking, "Uh, problem. I can't exactly put another shirt on now and we're gonna have to sleep next to each other, is that-"

"It's fine, Reece," I laugh, shaking my head, "Don't stress." Turning around, I grab my dad's grey sweatpants that I grabbed from his room before coming in here and hand them to Reece. I then pick up my own grey sweats. "Uh..."

"We'll face back to back. I promise I won't turn around until you tell me to," Reece says, smiling.

"Pinky promise?" I ask, sticking out my pinky to him.

Reece laughs but doesn't hesitate to lock his pinky with mine. "Pinky promise."

With that confirmation, I turn my back to him and when I'm sure he's not looking, I shimmy out of my orange pants. I then pull on my sweatpants with some difficulty as I have one hand locked with Reece's. But soon enough I'm finished.

"You done?" Reece asks as I'm attempting to tighten the drawstring with one hand.

"Yeah, I need this hand," I mutter as I turn around to face him, bringing our joined hands closer so I can use both hands to tie up my sweats. Reece chuckles, turning around as well and letting me drag his hand over. Once I've finished, Reece sneaks his hand around to rest on my hip as he brings his other hand up to his mouth, covering his yawn.

I chuckle, bringing my free hand up to gently brush his hair back from his face, "Aww, is Reecey tired?"

He nods, smiling lazily down at me, "Very."

"Good," I grin, using our joint hands to drag him over to my bed, "Because sleepy Reece is very cute."

One we're in bed, I instinctively curl myself into his chest, resting the palm of my handcuffed hand over his heart. Reece's arm rests behind me, letting me use his shoulder as a headrest. His hand gently rests on my hip with fingertips just brushing against my bare skin.

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