12. Mr Harvard Likes to Suck c**ks

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A/N  Merry Christmas Everyone!!!  Here's two chapters because today deserves extra.  Please show all authors on Wattpad some love and vote and comment!!!


I walked into school the next morning with a pit of dread in my stomach. I'd managed to avoid Freddie and Jonah for the rest of the day, and whereas that meant I had no new bruises to add to my collection, it also meant that I still didn't have the contents of my school bag back yet.

And I needed it for my next lesson.

I cautiously made my way to Freddie's locker, feeling my steps getting slower and slower. What was he going to make me do? I really didn't want to know. And was I going to pretend I would do it, to buy me some time? Or was I just going to refuse from the start and get the beating out of the way?

I scoured the corridor looking for Ryan. I knew it was pretty pointless because he never arrived at school on time. I wondered for the 50th time this morning whether I should have texted him to ask him to be around when I spoke to Freddie so that maybe he could have stepped in if he got too physical.

I don't know why I didn't. Well maybe I did. Maybe I was a little afraid that he would refuse. To be honest, the fact that Ryan was going to help was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I was increasingly spending more and more of my time in school in a constant state of anxiety and it was honestly exhausting. I found myself clinging onto the fact that Ryan might be able to change things, because I wasn't too sure how much more I could take.

"Well look who it is?!"

His voice sent a chill down my spine.

I turned towards his voice with a scowl on my face.

"Freddie, I need my books back for my next lesson."

"Fine," he said, going up to his locker and opening it up.

I felt my shoulders relax a little. Was it really going to be that easy?

Freddie turned round to face me with my bag in his hand, but I felt my heart sink when I saw the smug look on his face.

"Hmm, now let's see. What's it gonna cost you?"

"Probably my self respect and dignity," I replied before I could engage my brain to mouth filter.

He looked a little confused by my words, then seemed to shake it off before saying,

"No. If you want these books back, you're going to have to do something for me. You have to go into Mr Harvard's room and write on the whiteboard, 'Mr Harvard likes to suck cocks,' in permanent marker."

And with that he thrust a black sharpie pen in my direction.

I just stared at the offending object held out in his hand.

"And if I say no?" I replied. I don't know why. Because I knew that he would never let 'no' be an option.

"Then I burn your books," he replied.

"You can't do that! They're school property!" I replied, shocked by his threat.

"Hmm, your right," he said, tilting his head on one side in an exaggerated manner. Maybe your books won't burn, but something else will, I can promise you that."

I involuterialy gulped at his threat. I would have prefered it if he had said something more specific. I would know what I was looking out for then. But burning could be anything. Would he burn me? Or would he somehow get hold of my work and burn that? Or even worse, what if he knew where I lived and tried to burn down my house?

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