14. Another Weekend of Whoring

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"JUMP!!! JUMP!!!! JUMP!!! Oh my fucking god, just JUMP!!!! Fucking piece of shit!" I said, hurling my xbox controller in a fit of rage.

It made it halfway across my room before the wire that was attaching it to the console snapped tight and brought it to a rather pitiful stop on Nate's bed.

Eddie cackled like a criminal mastermind. "Just admit it Stone, I'm so much better than you!"

"Fuck that!" I growled out. "My controller is goosed. The A button is cracked and keeps sticking. I was a sitting target! Fucking marauders got me."

Eddie carried on laughing until just a few seconds later when someone took him out with a head shot.

"Serves you right, you prick!" I said laughing.

Eddie threw a pillow at me.

"You always blame your controller. You need to come up with a new excuse, Stone."

"It's not an excuse! What I need is a new controller."

"So why don't you get one?"

"I've had a look and I want a wireless one, like yours. They cost about £55. I'm saving up, but it's hard, you know."

Eddie nodded. I didn't need to explain to him that the money I earned from fighting usually had to go on more essential items, such as clothes or things for school. Basically the things my parents saw as nonessential so didn't cough up for themselves.

"Anyway, I have to get home," Eddie said, getting up off my bed. He put his controller into his bag then headed out of my room.

"Ooo, looking good Mrs Stone!" he said, and I looked up just in time to see my mum walk into my room.

Only it wasn't my mum. Well, it was, but not the mum I was used to. This lady in front of me looked like she belonged on a cruise liner, or at the races. She was dressed up in a beautiful deep purple dress with a fitted jacket of the same colour. The outfit screamed money. It was certainly no knockoff. Her hair was pinned up with a few curls flowing loose, and her makeup was flawless. She looked about 20 years younger.

I knew what all this meant. And so did Eddie, as he made the universal gesture for 'call me' behind my mother's back before disappearing.

"How long is it for this time?" I said with a sigh.

"Just the weekend," she said. At least she had the decency to look slightly ashamed.

"Bye then," I said, turning away and pretending to scroll through the game menus.

"Come on Ryan, don't be like that. You know I do this for the family."

I laughed coldly.

"That's shit and you know it. Just go please."

"When I get back, I'll buy you something," she said, sounding rather desperate. "I'll get you that new controller you've been moaning on about."

I looked at her. A new controller would be good. But I didn't really want her dirty money. "Bye mum," I just said, and turned back to the screen.

My mum sighed lightly before turning and walking out of the room.

As soon as she was gone I slammed the controller down onto the bed.

I hated that she did this. It had been going on for years. She basically had a sugar daddy who would come and whisk her away for weekends, or even sometimes full weeks. He lavished her with gifts and money and took her to all these amazing places.

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