Chapter 13:

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Clint: I sat in the taxi as Fury got in. "Where is she?" Fury asked.

"Back at the room," I explained.

"See Barton, this is why I'm here," Fury said.

"She's more trustworthy than you think," I said.

"Why don't I believe you. No person is trust worthy Barton. Especially a Russian spy," Fury said.

"Sir, she wants to be a United States agent. Tell me, why would she lie, if that's what she wants," I said.

"She's lying about wanting to be a US agent," Fury said, without missing a beat.

"Sir, with all due respect, your wrong this time. She's hardly even dangerous, once you seperate the mission from the equation," I said.

"Yeah, there's just that minor detail," Fury chuckled.

"Sir, she's explained where she was trained, exactly who she is working for. She didn't even know she was injected with the serum," I said.

"I'm assuming you gave that part away," Fury said. I didn't say anything.

"Barton, this is why I wanted her dead. You'll never be able to tell she's lying. And now she has the only piece of intel we even had on her," he said.

"I know you can trust her," I said, "I'll proove it."

We pulled up at the hotel, and I showed Fury to the room. I opened the door. The moment of truth I thought to myself. The door sung open, revealing Natasha, sitting on the floor, tied to the foot of the bed with the tie I had worn to the gala. I couldn't help smiling to myself.

"Will you untie me yet?" she asked.

"See," I said to Fury, "She's still here."

"What's your name, agent?" Fury asked her, ignoring me completely.

"Natasha Romanov," she said, smiling, "At your service."

"Who do you report to?" Fury asked.

"Drakeov," she said, "And the KGB. I'm hoping I can get your help in changing that."

"Sorry, not looking for natorious murderers on my team," Fury said, his voice ice cold.

"I'm hardly a murderer," Natasha said, "Every time I'm following orders."

"Sorry, I meant natorious assassin," Fury said, still bitter.

"Thank you," Natasha said.

"How many people have you killed total?" Fury asked.

"7 assassinations, but you already knew that," Natasha said, raising one red eyebrow.

"Yes, I had to see if you are the type who likes to exagerate," Fury said.

"You said it yourself, I'm a natorious assassin. What would be the need to exagerate?" Natasha asked.

"Why haven't you killed Agent Barton if your so dangerous?" Fury asked.

"Maybe because I want to change," she said, "I want to be a US agent. I won't even be able to fly into the US without your approval. Seems fitting."

"Where is the Red Room located?" Fury asked. I had mentioned it to him on the ride here.

"St. Petersberg. On Polozova. Building 7. Next to the KACCbi- BECBi. Across from it is building 8, a red industrial door, graffiti on the window coverings. That is KGB headquarters," Natasha explained. I had to say I was impressed.

"If I went there, I would find the KGB, and the Red Room?" Fury asked.

"Yes. I would show you there myself," Natasha said, making direct eye contact.

"I might give you that chance," Fury said, "If I could trust a single syllable that came from those lips."

"I never expect you to," Natasha said, "Like you said, I'm dangerous. Trusting me would hardly proove your superiority over me. But, don't worry, I won't tell. You could shoot me, if I proove to be lying. But at least untie me."

Fury smirked to himself, which I took as a good sign. "I see why you like her Barton," he said after a moment, "She's funny."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Untie her," he instructed, "Let's see what she does."

I went around and untied her. She had it in a really tight knot. After a few moments, she opened her hand, exposing a sharp piece of wood from the detatched leg. I smirked, then grabbed the piece of wood, cutting her free. She moved her hands in front of her, loosening the joints again. Then she just looked at Fury, waiting.

"Smart move," Fury noted, "If I gave you a weapon, would you shoot me?"

"Only if it needed to be done," Natasha said.

"Would it be 'needed' now?" Fury asked.

"No," she said, "Of course not. Like I said, I want to be an agent for you. Shooting you seems like that would become out of the picture."

"You would be right," Fury said.

"Listen, I know you'll never trust me. You don't have any reason too, and you barely trust Barton. Can we skip this whole I'll never trust you exercise, and just get to the part where you start to pretend like you would someday."

"What part is that?" Fury asked.

"Where you give me a gun. Where I start to try to proove myself to you," Natasha offered.

"Nice try," Fury said.

Natasha sighed, "Fine, I'll figure out something else."

Fury smiled at her defeat.

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