Demonic Force Manipulation

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Emi had disappeared for a few days, and everyone would have been worried if it wasn't for Sting's explanation. They all worked on their own spells and sparred with each other. Sting approached Laxus, and everyone looked on in anticipation and dread for whatever interaction they were about to have.


Light started whipping around Sting as lightning sparked around Laxus.

"Should we stop them?" Yukino asked worriedly.

Lucy spoke up as she turned to Levy, "Didn't you say that a fight between them would be to the death?"

She nodded and reminded them about how dragons would fight on behalf of their mates and that it would be a vicious battle.

"I wouldn't worry," Mavis soothed as she suddenly appeared by their sides. "Look closer."

They all turned back to the pair and saw that they were smirking at each other. Sting lunged first and when Laxus dodged, a huge crater formed in the ground where Sting's fists connected. Everyone sweatdropped and turned to Makarov.

"This might not be to the death, but should we still stop them?"

Thunderclouds began to form, and Laxus used his Breakdown Fist. Sparks began to fly everywhere, and another crater was formed.

Makarov spoke, "Let them do this for now. It seems to not be malicious at all."

"Holy Fire!"

Rays of light began to rain down on the field in the area surrounding Laxus. The lightning mage weaved through them and cast his Raging Bolt.

"Holy Fire? Since when can he use that?" Orga questioned.

"It must be a new spell that Miss Emi taught him," Yukino reasoned.

Laxus went to punch Sting, but he cast his Holy Nova, and everything was engulfed in white.

"You know, I've never actually seen him attack with that spell. He just kind of uses it as a blinding technique."

Mavis chimed in, "That's because the spell is very lethal and can cause a massive amount of damage, especially seeing as how much light he's been able to gather the few times that I've seen it."

Almost as if on cue, the light that Sting emitted began to shrink and concentrate into his fist. Everyone's mouths hung open and they whipped their heads to Makarov.

"Um, master? I think we should--"

Sting had landed his hit, and Laxus was forced back about a hundred feet. Rogue decided to try to stop the fight.

"Sting! That's enough."

The white dragon slayer looked over his shoulder, and everyone could see that his pupils were dilating rapidly. Mavis gasped. Everyone in Fairy Tail looked over to the First Master and asked what was wrong.

"I would suggest stopping the fight now."

Laxus had picked himself up and rushed at him again. He raised his hands to the sky.

"Thunder Downpour!"

Just as Sting's Holy Fire, lightning started to strike the field. Sting smirked and used his Holy Breath, cutting through the lightning.

"Holy shit," Lucy commented,  "I didn't know that could happen."

They both stood eerily still, and everyone looked on to try to predict what would happen next. Makarov had started to step towards them to stop the fight before it escalated again, but Sting's light whipped around them again, blocking anyone else from entering the area.

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