Scary Meeting

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Emi sat in her usual spot and ate her usual food as she listened to the blond boy and his talking cat talk about absolutely anything. She could feel their stares, and she stood up once she couldn't take it anymore. The girl stomped her way over to their table to confront them.

"What the hell do you think you're doing just sitting there and staring at me? You do it everyday and you should really learn to not get into other people's business. You might get hurt. Now leave me alone or I won't be nice anymore."

With that, Emi quickly exited the shop.

"He's really scary, Sting!" Lector shouted through his tears.

"No kidding."

"We should go apologize to him so that way he's not mad at us anymore so I can sleep tonight without worrying that he's going to come kill me."

"Lector, I don't really think he'd go that far."


Meanwhile, Emi had caught sight of someone she didn't want to deal with at that time and quickly turned into an abandoned alleyway to get the fight out of the busy streets.

"Your senses are very powerful, young lady. But you won't be able to escape my power. It is impossible."

"Let me guess, Pride?"

The woman laughed, confirming Emi's assumption.

"I'm in a foul mood, so let's make this quick. I have a cat and a boy on my tail."

"Fine by me. I'll even let you have the first move to show you how powerful I am!"

Emi looked at the woman before smiling devilishly and saying, "Wrong move."

The white haired wizard held her hands up and moved them in a circle as she cast her spell.

"Shell of Divinity."

Pride gasped at the sight of the holy barrier that had formed around the pair.

"How did you--"

"You did say I could make the first move. Now you're stuck in here."

"The Shell of Divinity, an ancient purging spell that traps anything unholy in a sphere. It will burn those unholy when they touch the shell. No one even knows that the spell exists. How would you kn--"

"You can learn a lot from reading. You should try it sometime. Oh, I guess you won't be able to."

"Now who's prideful?"

Emi smirked before taking advantage of the opportunity of Pride being distracted.

"Ice missiles!"

Shards of ice were sent speeding towards the Sin, pinning her against the barrier and forcing her to touch the shell. Pride slowly started to burn as she finally cast a spell of her own.

"Poison Judgement!"

Snakes were sent flying at Emi. She had no room to avoid the snakes because of the barrier, so three were able to puncture her skin, pushing venom into her bloodstream. Emi screamed in pain as the poison started to take effect.

"Now be a good little girl and die."

Emi lifted her head up and smiled sadistically at the Sin before forcing herself to stand. She put her hands on the affected areas of her legs and froze them using her Frostbite spell.

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