Let's Go To The Beach (Vacation!)

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"WHAT? Why didn't we get to finish the memory!" Natsu yelled.

"We were about to find out a way to stop it and it changed? Why would it do that? I thought we were supposed to see her memories in full. Emi, did you do anything to change the memory?" Lucy asked, still shocked.

Emi shook her head before everyone turned to Cain.

"It's dangerous and reckless, not to mention life threatening."

They all asked him to explain more, but the Blue Demon refused to give further details.

"Let's go to the beach!"

Lector took Emi's hand and pulled her out of bed. He floated and did figure eights in the air in front of her. Emi laughed at the exceed's energy before turning back to see that Sting was still sound asleep.

"Sting! Wake up! It's time for the beach," Lector screamed.

"Lector, is the beach fun?"

"Of course it is! You can do so much stuff there."

"I see."

Emi suddenly whipped a pillow at Sting's head, causing the dragon slayer to fall onto the floor. He groaned and quickly sat up with a fire in his eyes.

"Alright, who threw that? Lector?"

Sting looked up to see that Emi was standing with another pillow in her hand. He paled, realizing that it was her that threw the first one.

"Didn't you hear Lector? He said he wants to go to the beach. I would also like to go."

Sting sighed before pulling himself off the floor and walking to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Sting! I want to go."

Sting and Emi laughed at Lector before they both got dressed and headed out to the beach.

"So this is a beach? It looks like a desert with an ocean."

"That's a lake, which means there's no sharks!"

"Aw, Lector, were you afraid of some sharks?" Lucy sarcastically asked.

Lector stumbled over his words before he finally got out, "Everyone should be scared of sharks. They're very dangerous."

"Someone's a scaredy cat."

Emi picked Lector up before commenting, "You were how old back then, Lector? Eight?"

"I was nine!"

Everyone let out an "oh" before turning back to the memory.

"Lector, slow down. You're going to get lost."

"Well then hurry it up, Sting. I want to build a sandcastle!"

They had all arrived at the beach. Sting and Emi started to set up the towels while Lector flew over to the edge of the water.

"Lector," Sting reminded, "remember to not go too deep."

"Don't you worry about that, Sting. I'm just getting my feet wet."

Emi turned to Sting in confusion, asking, "Why can't he go in deep? Is it because he's short?"

"He, uh, can't swim that well yet."

Emi nodded before looking at all the people on the sand and in the water.

"It's very crowded."

Sting laughed before saying that the beach was always crowded during the time of the year.

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