Dont fall in love with your roomate-ch9

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Day two of Usnavi's 'goddamnit Vanessa you need to fucking chill' week had started as soon as Vanessa woke up a one in the morning.
She stirred from her position on the couch, which was laying on top of him, starting to wake up.

"Go to sleep." Usnavi said, pushing down on his body to keep her from getting up.

"My mind is going insane let me go." She scrambled in his arms, trying to escape him.

"No. Go. To. Sleep." He replied, pulling a blanket over the two of them. She mumbled something under her breath before closing her eyes again. She dropped her shoulders and wrapped her arms around his torso before drifting back to sleep.


Someone banged on the door waking both Usnavi and Vanessa up, and making Vanessa cling to Usnavi tighter.

"Oh you don't want to lay down and be comfortable when it's the crack of dawn, but when we have people banging on our door, you need to be clingy?" Usnavi asked, stroking her long, black, aging hair.

"Yes, now shut up and put your arms around me."
The banging persisted, and no matter how much they wanted to pretend it wasn't there, it was.

"Get up that's driving me batshit." Usnavi said rolling Vanessa off him.

"Fuck you." She flipped him off while still laying on the couch.

"Hey Navi." A familiar voice greeted at the door. "You wanna go get breakfast? We haven't gone in a while."

"Yeah sure give me five minutes."

"Are you fucking leaving me?" Vanessa asked.

"Yes, bye." Usnavi said after putting shoes on and walking out the door.


"Man, we need to talk." Benny said as him and Usnavi sat down for breakfast.

"'bout?" Usnavi replied through a mouth full of pancakes.

"You have a thing for your roommate don't you?" Benny asked.

"What- who told you?"

"So you do!" Benny said.

"Fine. I guess I have a thing for my roommate."

"Vanessa's like a little sister to me. If you break her heart, and I say this because I love you man, I will kill you." Benny told Usnavi.

"Got it. Got it. Damn you sound like her cousin." Usnavi mumbled.

"Who, Frankie? Yeah, if you don't want to see me pissed over you and her, you do not want to see him."

"Yeah, I picked that up on our first encounter." Usnavi murmured under his breath.


Usnavi returned to the dorm, and of course Vanessa was running on full power mode, no relaxation happening at all. She had music from some musical she always played blasting from a speaker, which hurt his ears tremendously.

"Hey V!" He called.

"Oh you're home!" She yelled.

"Yeah! Do you mind turning that down a bit?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." She laughed as the music went down.

"What are you making now?" He said going to stick his finger in one of fillings.

"Aye! Don't touch that! I'm making pies for my book club's party."

"Oh wow that must be a real entertaining party considering it's book club." Usnavi deadpanned.

"Shut up." She started. "Listen, um, I kinda want to talk about something with you."

"What do you mean, kinda?"

"I mean I don't want to have to say it because I fucking hate myself for it but Peggy won't shut up until I do." Vanessa told him.

"So? What do you not want to tell me?"

"I love you!" She squeaked out.

He went wide eyed before looking around and saying, "I have to go do... something! Bye!"

She just stood there, looking at the place where he previously stood.

"I guess that's what people mean, when they say 'don't fall in love with your roommate.'" She whispered to herself, tears welling in her eyes.

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