Why not a two time thing//ch 2

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^^Vanessa face when she walks into her dorm for reference
A/n this is for treebiscuit6 thank you fam I appreciate the support
Go read their book 8 years later
Vanessa pov:

I opened my eyes slightly and saw a soft hue of yellow light from a window.
Then I realized something.
My window isn't that high up.
My sheets are black not red.
I have linen over my window.
I tilted by head back to see who laid beside me.
I grumbled sitting pulling the sheet over my bare chest.
Wait-Why am I naked

"No no no no no" I said not giving a damn if he was asleep.

"What are you doing in my bed? Why don't you have any clothes on?! Why don't I have any clothes on?!" He said getting faster and more frantic by the word.

"I don't fucking know! Last thing I remember was making dinner!"

"Last thing I remember was you calling me a pussy!"

"Well I don't regret it! Can we just forget, this, and go on like nothing happened?"

"Fine. Sure." He said getting up.

(𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥)

I brewed a cup of coffee putting cream, sugar, and cinnamon in it. Just like Abuela would make it.

"Do you want a cup of coffee!?" I yelled at his closed door.

"Yes please!"

I poured his cup as he walked out.

"Don't know what you like so it's just plain."

"That's how I like it. Plain."

"Ew that's disgusting."

I cracked and egg into a frying pan.

"You ok with fried eggs?" I asked turning around.


I slipped an egg onto his plate and put a piece of toast in the toaster.


"No thank you."

I stabbed the middle of my egg with a fork a dipped my toast in.

"You have any classes today?" I asked before a tense silence filled the room.

"No, you?"

"Advanced science at 11:00." I said taking a bite of toast.

"What's your major?"

"Marine biology and minor in theater, you?" I answered.


"Nice nice."

I finished my food and rinsed off my plate.
I laid a long black jacket out on my bed that was embroidered with pansies and a white flowy blouse next to it.
A back maxi skirt accompanied them as I put each article of clothing on.
I stood in front of my vanity looking for a scarf to tie my hair back.
Found my cousin Amaria's pansy scarf that was my 16th birthday present and tied it in my hair.
Satisfied with my appearance I stood up grabbing my bag and tying my coat.

"Isn't that a little fancy for advanced science?"

"Piss off."

I slid my heels on and left the dorm.
I kept my head up walking confidently down the halls.
Because if you don't, you just become fresh meat.
I walked into the classroom and took my seat near the front.
I slid my coat off draping it on the chair and pulling my binder out.
The whole class entered and the professor started the lesson.
(Time skip)
I unlocked the dorm and walked in immediately regretting my decision.
Fucking moaning
Just carry on.
This is your dorm too, you have a right to stay.
Nope nope nope nope
I'm out.
I locked the door behind me thinking of where I could go.
I could just sit out here and study because the dorm is, well, occupied.
So I opened my binder and text book and skimmed the pages writing things down.
After a short period of time, a tall blonde girl walked out looking flustered and red.
I looked up from my notebook and she looked down at me.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Well, your activities were causing to much noise and I couldn't study peacefully."

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm Amanda, what's your name?"


"Seems you got caught in the boy-girl roommate bullshit the school is pulling too?"

"I did. You did too?"

"Mhm. My roommate sucks ass. What's your opinion on him?" She asked.

"You don't know his name?"

"No, just needed someone to fuck. I'm so touch staved girl."

"You realized you just had sex with Usnavi 'fuck boy' de la Vega right?"

"Oh I did! Well shit. Can this stay between us?

"Of course." I said smiling at her.

"Thanks bro. I should get going." She said standing up and offering me her hand.
I grabbed it and stood up.

"It was nice talking to you." I said grabbing my books.

"You too. See you around, Vanessa?"

"I hope so, Amanda."

She set off on her way and I unlocked my door.
Usnavi sat on the couch reading a paper.

"How was your class?"

"Would be better if I didn't have to review material on the ground outside OUR dorm because you were busy having sex."

"Let me and my sex life be." He said looking at me putting his papers down.

"Can we talk about what happened last night?" I asked sitting on the floor.


"Can we agree that was a one time thing set to never happen again?"

"Why not a two time thing?"

Oh hell no// in the heightsWhere stories live. Discover now