➵ II. Asher

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Sunday, December 10th, 2017, 10:00am

When I Find Love Again - James Blunt

Asher's POV

I sigh, holding my head in my hands, my arms resting on my desk, my eyes closed.

Still no closer to finding her. Almost two years and we still have no clue where she is. We've looked in every place Raiden thought she might go. Tried looking in other packs around here, but came up with nothing.

She's completely disappeared. It's like she never existed.

I know she did though. How could I forget my mate? The girl I rejected because I was stupid and thought my social life meant more. The girl I bullied for two years just because she couldn't shift.

I tried to convince myself that what I did to her would help her wolf come forward. Deep down, I knew what I was doing was wrong but I pushed that feeling away.

I would do anything to go back in time and slap some sense into past-me.

I remember what Raiden did when he found out I rejected her. Raiden's normally pretty calm, I've rarely seen him angry. He was fucking pissed. But I never banished her. I took back my rejection the morning after my birthday and I was going to try and make it up to her at school that day but she never showed up.

When I ditched school to go look for her, it was too late. She was already gone.

I growl softly as past memories flash in my head.

"What's wrong, Denny?" I asked, putting my hand on Raiden's shoulder.

"Don't call me that," he grumbled, staring at the grass at our feet. "I'm worried. It's Rei, she's not doing the best. I imagine it's the shock of you two being mates but my gut's telling me that that's not it."

I winced, feeling sick. "Raiden... There's something I want to tell you."

His head snapped up and his eyes bored into mine. "Did you do something to her?" he asked lowly, his voice dangerous. "Asher, what did you do to my sister?"

Scott and Dean chose this moment to pop up next to us.

"What's-" Scott started.

He cut himself off after the glare Raiden gave him. Raiden turned his gaze back to me, shaking my hand off his shoulder and waiting for me to speak.

I didn't look at his eyes, ashamed of myself and not wanting to see the anger, hatred and protectiveness that I knew would spark in his eyes. I could sense Scott and Dean becoming somber as they realized what was going on.

Raiden sensed it too and he growled, stepping away from us. "You all know? You all knew she was hurting and you didn't fucking tell me?" He crossed his arms, his glare burning into all three of us but lingering mostly me. "What did you do?"

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, to admit to my best friend what we've been doing behind his back, Kia came running up to us, looking distressed, tears running down her cheeks, a piece of paper clutched in her hand.

"What's wrong with you?!" she screeched at me. "You were supposed to love and take care of her! Not reject her!"

I winced again as murder flashed in Raiden's eyes as he gritted his teeth. His body was shaking and I could tell he was trying to keep himself from lunging at me.

"You did what?!" he growled.

I didn't even have to hold back a growl of my own from his disrespect. It never came, I knew deserved that. My wolf Jayden growled at me before going back to blocking me out, furious with me for hurting our mate.

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