➵ XXXI. Going Home

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Tuesday, January 16th, 2018, 12:00pm

Home - Daughtry

Rei's POV

"Tsk tsk," Zaine says, shaking his head. "Skipping school. You should be ashamed."

"Oh please, it's not the first time," Asher replies. "Pack work always wins over school work."

"Which is one of the reasons why I never enrolled in school before," Zaine says, shrugging and fiddling with the engagement ring on his finger. "Rogues before education."

I roll my eyes, heading back upstairs to grab the last of my suitcases. Stepping into my room, I look around and sigh softly. I'll miss this place. This was my home for nearly two years. Not too long but it was long enough to get attached. I have a lot of memories here, like healing Zaine, him and Killian getting engaged, where Raiden marked Clove last night. We've left for weeks at a time before but I always knew we'd come back. We're not coming back this time, at least not to live in permanently.

I hear soft footsteps as Asher comes up behind me, his arms snaking around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. It's a habit I've found him doing a lot, using my shoulder as a head rest.

"You alright?" he asks softly.

"Yeah," I whisper. "I just... I'm gonna miss this place."

I can tell Asher's smiling softly. "Honestly, me too. I spent two days here but I can feel the homey sense this place gives. I can tell you had a lot of fun times here. It's not something you can find just anywhere. But now we can give that sense to a home we all share."

I smile and nod. "We can."

Asher tilts his head down, his breath gently fanning across my neck, breathing in my scent.

"You smell nice," he mumbles. "Like oranges. And fire. Not really surprising, for someone with pyrokinesis. It's like a wood fire... A campfire. It's nice, I like campfires, especially with family."

"Me too," I reply. "I remember one with the pack, you almost set yourself on fire."

Asher huffs and whines. "The fire was jealous. It's not my fault I'm hotter than it was."

I tilt my head to the side, lightly bumping his, which is still resting on my shoulder. While he whines again, I pull away and grab my last suitcase from beside the bed.

"Let's go," I say. "We still have to stop by the Healer's and pick up Stitch."

"Actually, I was thinking we could see if they would come to Moonblood," Asher says as we head downstairs. "The pack could help take care of the animals and just in case a war with the rogues does happen and King decides to go after our allies, they'll be better protected."

I nod. "True. The Healers are some of the most important rogues. The witches' powers, along with the boys' loyalty, kindness and humor, help a lot with healing the ones we rescue. And it'll be good to have them close if it comes down to battle."

When we step back into the living room, Zaine is still talking animatedly, sharing stories and memories we've made over the years he's been with us. Chase and Rhea add things in, telling details Zaine forgot to mention or things they were doing.

"Ready?" Raiden asks, seeing Asher and I.

I nod. "Let's go home."

"I'm back, bitches!" Zaine sings, spinning around and collapsing on the couch.

"No one else is here," Scott says.

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