What I Want~ Damon Salvatore

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"Damon, I'm having a crisis." You whined, sitting at the bar of the Grill, swirling the colourful liquid in your glass around, prompting your best friend to laugh.
"Yeah, I can tell, by the fact that you're sitting here and day drinking." He mocked and you picked the umbrella from your drink, stabbing it into his hand and sticking your tongue out at him. He hissed, pulling the wooden stick from his skin and letting it heal, flicking the paper accessory from the counter. "Okay, I'm sorry. Have some of my fries and tell me what's up?" He offered, pushing the plate towards you and you smiled.
"Thank you." You hummed, swiping some of the potato goodness through some ketchup and chomping down as he waited patiently for you to explain. "So, it's about Ro-"
"If this is about your suckass boyfriend I will literally stake myself." He growled and you swallowed your mouthful.
"He cancelled our date. Again. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping with his neighbour, and I wanna' break up with him, but I also don't want to hurt his feelings or be lonely. I need someone to cuddle. Very important." You pointed at him with a fry before taking a bite out of it, waiting for his advice.
"You're seriously weak as fuck." He said and you pouted, throwing the rest of the snack into his hair and he shook it out with a glare. "Come on. You have to do something for yourself sometimes, do what makes you happy, take what you want!"
"It's not really that easy, though, is it?" You challenged and he rolled his eyes, poking you on the tip of your nose and sighing.
"Sure it is. You walk up to someone, say what you want. Not that hard. You only live one life, you know." He smiled sarcastically and you rolled your eyes, laughing at him.
"Shut up. Says the man who has lived a hundred of them." He smiled, finishing off his food and paying for both his and your drinks. "Look, I need to go and not get ready for this date. And think about my life way too hard and get a headache. Probably take a nap too. The usual." Hopping down from the stool, you slung your coat over your shoulder, fastening it up and walking away, blowing him a kiss as you did and ignoring the way your stomach flipped when he winked in return.
"Think about what I said!" He called after you as you reached the door and you laughed, not even bothering to look over your shoulder at him.

"Hey, babydoll, what are you doing he-" The cute grin you'd been greeted with had been wiped from his face as you poked at his chest, stepping through his front door as he followed, one eyebrow cocked and a small smirk pulling in its place on his lips.

He now sat on his couch, his posture not helping in the slightest. He sat, legs parted as he casually leaned back against his sofa, arm spread along the back as the other lay over his leg, t-shirt pulled up slightly, just enough to show you the trail of hair disappearing beneath the hem his belted jeans.

"You. You have single-handedly fucked my life over, Damon Salvatore." You swore, running a hand through your already mussed hair and he snorted, turning towards you slightly.

"And how, pray tell, have I managed that?"

"With your whole-" You hands waved angrily in the air and he watched with interest as you took on your best pose to impersonate him, picking up and empty whiskey glass and falsely sipping from it, voice deepening; "-'you've gotta' take what you want in life, doll, you can't just let life slip through your fingers'." Pointing an accusing finger, he leaned back, smirking amusedly, which only irritated you more. "You.. you compelled me! Or some shit! I don't know!"

"You're wearing vervain. A vervain ring, that I gave you, for your birthday three years, so I couldn't have compelled you."

"Yeah, well, you and your stupid smouldering glances and the way you lower your voice when you want someone to do something. Don't think I don't know how you get what you want without actual compulsion. I've seen it, you must've been one hell of a charmer back in your day." You huffed, doing your level-best to hold your eyes on his angrily, and not to let them wander lustfully over his somewhat dishevelled appearance.

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